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All Tutorials · Collection · 48 Results

Video Course Advanced
iOS & Swift
Apple Health Frameworks
This course will walk you through the steps of making a health app using all the Apple Health Frameworks. ... more
iOS & Swift
Supporting SwiftUI with Core Graphics
Learn how to support SwiftUI drawing with Core Graphics! This course picks up where our Drawing in iOS wit... more
Flutter & Dart
Flutter Navigator 2.0
Navigator 2.0 is Flutter’s new declarative API for the Navigator widget. Learn how to migrate an app from ... more
iOS & Swift
Drawing in iOS with SwiftUI
Learn about drawing using SwiftUI by creating custom controls using a combination of SwiftUI and Core Grap... more
iOS & Swift
Wrangling Dates & Time in iOS
Understanding the deep technical details how dates and time work in iOS is immensely helpful for developin... more
iOS & Swift
Local Receipt Validation in iOS
The course will walk you through the process of writing custom validation code for validating receipts fro... more
iOS & Swift
WWDC 2021: AsyncSequence vs. Combine
AsyncSequence is a new protocol in Swift 5.5 that offers facilities for processing asynchronous data. But ... more
Android & Kotlin
Resizable Apps & Multi-Window Support in Android
This course will show you how to make your apps resizable and in turn support the multi-window mode in And... more
iOS & Swift
SwiftUI Charts for WidgetKit
Learn how to use SwiftUI to create a series of different charts, and then how to use WidgetKit to display ... more
iOS & Swift
Face Tracking with RealityKit
Learn how to leverage RealityKit and Reality Composer to build engaging AR experiences focused on tracking... more
iOS & Swift
Advanced iOS Design Patterns
Learn about advanced iOS design patterns like flyweight, mediator, composite, command, chain-of-responsibi... more
Android & Kotlin
Android In App Review
This course will teach you how to implement the new Android In App Review API from the Play Core set of to... more
iOS & Swift
Smart Lighting with HomeKit in watchOS
Learn to use HomeKit in watchOS to control light bulbs in your home. HomeKit is versatile, so most of what... more
iOS & Swift
Multipeer Connectivity in iOS
In this course, you'll learn how to use Multipeer Connectivity: Apple's framework for transferring... more
iOS & Swift
Reusable SwiftUI Views in the App
Build two of the custom SwiftUI views used throughout the app. Get a glimpse into how we... more
iOS & Swift
Advanced MapKit
Level up your MapKit knowledge! Learn how to customize your maps by way of custom drawing. Discover the di... more
Android & Kotlin
Implementing Picture In Picture Mode In Android
Implement Picture In Picture mode to allow users to watch videos even while they use other apps. See how a... more
iOS & Swift
Combine in the App
Take a look at how Combine is used to power parts of the open-source app based on change... more
iOS & Swift
SOLID in Real-World iOS Apps
Get an overview of the SOLID code craft guidelines, how they apply to Swift code, and how you can refactor... more
Android & Kotlin
Dependency Injection with Hilt: Fundamentals
In this dependency injection course, learn how to apply an awesome new library called Hilt, to build depen... more
Android & Kotlin
Kotlin Flow: Getting Started
Kotlin Flow is a new asynchronous stream library from JetBrains, the company behind the Kotlin language. S... more
iOS & Swift
See how to utilize Apple's recently released framework MetricKit and to create a Vapor Swift backend t... more
Android & Kotlin
Kotlin Coroutines: In Depth
Learn how to implement coroutines in a real-world example of an Android application, with structured layer... more
iOS & Swift
Continuous Integration
Learn the basics of continuous integration and how to set it up for a GitHub project. You'll... more