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Android & Kotlin · 685 Results

Android & Kotlin
Android & Kotlin
Android Studio Tips and Tricks
Master some hidden gems of Android Studio and improve your overall development efficiency with these Android ... more
Android & Kotlin
Android RecyclerView Tutorial with Kotlin
In this Android RecyclerView tutorial, learn how to use Kotlin to display datasets of a large or unknown size!
Android & Kotlin
Android Fragments Tutorial: An Introduction with Kotlin
In this Android Fragments with Kotlin tutorial you will learn the fundamental concepts of fragments while cre... more
Android & Kotlin
React Native Tutorial: Building Android Apps with JavaScript
In this React Native tutorial you’ll learn how to build native apps based on the hugely popular React JavaScr... more
Multiple Domains
Staying Motivated as a Work From Home Developer
Check out some handy tips that we’ve learned over the years as work from home developers — including managin... more
Android & Kotlin
Clean Architecture Tutorial for Android: Getting Started
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Clean Architecture on Android to build robust, flexible and maintai... more
Android & Kotlin
Android Custom View Tutorial
Create an Android Custom View in Kotlin and learn how to draw shapes on the canvas, make views responsive, cr... more
Android & Kotlin
Android ListView Tutorial with Kotlin
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Android’s ListView to easily create scrollable lists, by creating a... more
Multiple Domains
Android Networking With Kotlin Tutorial: Getting Started
In this tutorial, you’ll get started with Android networking by creating a simple app to retrieve and display... more
Android & Kotlin
ConstraintLayout Tutorial for Android: Complex Layouts
In this ConstraintLayout tutorial, you’ll learn how to dynamically position UI elements in relation to other ... more
Android & Kotlin
Common Design Patterns and App Architectures for Android
Discover how to make your Android code cleaner and easier to understand with these common design patterns for... more
Android & Kotlin
Reactive Programming with RxAndroid in Kotlin: An Introduction
Learn about how Reactive programming is a whole new paradigm using RxJava and RxAndroid in Android with Kotlin.
Android & Kotlin
Getting Started with MVP (Model View Presenter) on Android
In this hands-on tutorial, we apply a design pattern called MVP, short for Model-View-Presenter, to an Androi... more
Android & Kotlin
Firebase Cloud Messaging for Android: Sending Push Notifications
In this Firebase Cloud Messaging tutorial, you will learn how to add push notifications to Drink-It, an app t... more
Android & Kotlin
Test-Driven Development Tutorial for Android: Getting Started
Learn the basics of test-driven development, or TDD, and discover how to use TDD effectively when developing ... more
Multiple Domains
Introducing Kodeco — The New
Kodeco is the new Come learn about our fresh new brand, what’s new, and what’s staying the... more
Android & Kotlin
Introduction to Google Maps API for Android with Kotlin
In this Google Maps API Tutorial for Android you will learn how to retrieve the user’s current location, get ... more
Android & Kotlin
Hack an Android App: Finding Forensic Artifacts
In this Android tutorial, you’ll learn the basics of forensic analysis by hacking into devices and extracting... more
Android & Kotlin
MVI Architecture for Android Tutorial: Getting Started
Learn about the MVI (Model-View-Intent) architecture pattern and prepare to apply it to your next Android app.
Android & Kotlin
Building an Action for Google Assistant: Getting Started
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a conversational experience with Google Assistant.
Android & Kotlin
Google I/O 2019: Opening Keynote Key Topics and Reactions
This year was amazing for Google I/O, and we’ve curated a list of all the fun things the Opening Keynote feat... more
Android & Kotlin
View Binding Tutorial for Android: Getting Started
In this View Binding tutorial for Android, you’ll learn how to use View Binding to find and configure your vi... more
Android & Kotlin
LiveData Tutorial for Android: Deep Dive
In this Android tutorial, you’ll learn about LiveData which is a core architecture component, and how to use ... more
Android & Kotlin
MVVM and DataBinding: Android Design Patterns
This article describes the MVVM Design Pattern and its components, data binding, and other design patterns an... more