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iOS & Swift · Collection · 75 Results

iOS & Swift Video Course Intermediate
iOS & Swift
iOS Concurrency with GCD & Operations
Learn how to add concurrency to your apps! Keep your app’s UI responsive to give your users a great user e... more
iOS & Swift
watchOS: Complications
Learn how to develop one of the most compelling and useful features of the Apple Watch: Complications.
iOS & Swift
Modern Concurrency: Beyond the Basics
Build on your knowledge of async/await, tasks and asynchronous sequences to use concurrent tasks in safe, ... more
iOS & Swift
Modern Concurrency: Getting Started
Learn how to use Swift’s new native model for writing safe, efficient concurrent code. Create safe, perfor... more
iOS & Swift
Advanced Networking with URLSession
Dive deeper into URLSession. Learn how to upload data and how to perform background downloads. Work with s... more
iOS & Swift
Beginning Networking with URLSession
Learn how to use URLSession, Apple’s networking API, including how to download data, show download progres... more
Multiple Domains
Building with Bazel
Bazel is an open source build system created by Google for compiling large complex codebases. This courses... more
iOS & Swift
In-App Purchases
Updated for 2022! In-App Purchase offers additional revenue streams for developers other than the initial ... more
Multiple Domains
Units & Measurement in iOS
Learn how to model units of physical quantities with Measurements and Units from Foundation for safer conv... more
Multiple Domains
Creating Multiplatform Apps with SwiftUI
Learn how to build an app for multiple platforms including iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS all by lev... more
iOS & Swift
Gestures in SwiftUI
Learn how to use SwiftUI’s Gestures to add dynamic touch interactions to your apps. Quickly add one of Swi... more
iOS & Swift
CloudKit is Apple’s remote data storage service. Based on iCloud, it provides a low-cost option to store a... more
iOS & Swift
Handling Keyboard & Pointer Interactions in SwiftUI
Learn how to handle the iOS keyboard, external hardware keyboards, and pointer interactions in a SwiftUI a... more
iOS & Swift
Beginning Firebase for iOS
Firebase is a mobile-backend-as-a-service that provides several features for building powerful mobile apps... more
iOS & Swift
Testing in iOS
Testing is a great way to help ensure the pieces of your app remain functionally correct and bug-free. Exp... more
iOS & Swift
Core Haptics
Learn how to create and play haptic patterns, synchronize audio with haptic events, and create dynamic hap... more
iOS & Swift
Higher-Order Functions in Swift
Learn what higher-order functions are, and how to write and use them in Swift. Expand your understanding w... more
iOS & Swift
Debugging UIKit Views with Reveal
Learn how to use the Reveal app to find and fix layout and rendering problems in UIKit views. Brought to y... more
iOS & Swift
Integrate Combine Into an App
One of the best ways to test your Combine skills is to put them to use in an app! In this course, put the ... more
iOS & Swift
Audio with AVFoundation
AVFoundation is Apple’s advanced framework for working with time-based media, such as audio and video. Thi... more
iOS & Swift
AWS AppSync for iOS
Learn how to consume GraphQL APIs in your SwiftUI iOS apps in a simple and type-safe way using AWS AppSync... more
iOS & Swift
WWDC 2021: Upgrading to StoreKit 2
StoreKit 2 provides a great a many improvements to the StoreKit API. In this small course, you’ll see how ... more
iOS & Swift
Background Tasks in iOS
Launching your iOS app in the background and performing some tasks wasn’t all that easy. However, in iOS 1... more
iOS & Swift
How To Make An App Like Instagram in iOS
Have you ever wanted to build an app like Instagram, from architecture to coding to the back-end server, b... more