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iOS & Swift · Collection · 75 Results

iOS & Swift Video Course Intermediate
iOS & Swift
iOS Design Patterns
Learn how to combat massive view controller syndrome with MVC-N, MVVM, and other popular design patterns.<... more
iOS & Swift
Create a Splash Screen with SwiftUI
Learn to build a splash screen that uses animation and SwiftUI to go beyond the typical static launch scre... more
iOS & Swift
Document Based Apps
Document Based Apps
iOS & Swift
Beginning RxSwift
Learn the fundamentals of reactive programming with RxSwift.
Multiple Domains
Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift
Learn how to implement data structures and algorithms in Swift! This course covers a wide range of topics,... more
iOS & Swift
Fundamental iOS Design Patterns
Learn about fundamental iOS design patterns like MVC, Delegation, Strategy, Singleton, Memento, Observer a... more
iOS & Swift
Custom Collection View Layout
Learn how to create a carousel layout, a stretchy headers layout, a mosaic layout, and more using UICollec... more
iOS & Swift
Mastering Auto Layout
Dive a little deeper into auto layout. Learn more about creating complex constraints and creating universa... more
iOS & Swift
A deep dive into getting started with SwiftUI. This course will cover the basics to get you off the ground... more
iOS & Swift
TestFlight Beta Testing
Learn how to use TestFlight Beta Testing to easily invite users to test your apps--before you release them... more
iOS & Swift
Reproducing Popular iOS Controls
In this course you'll learn how to combine the Swift and UIKit knowledge you've gained from our ot... more
iOS & Swift
Demystifying Views in iOS
Learn to organize your app ideas and designs in ways that work well with the latest versions of UIKit and ... more
iOS & Swift
Practical Instruments
Learn everything you need to know about using Instruments to improve and diagnose your code.
iOS & Swift
Background Tasks in iOS
Launching your iOS app in the background and performing some tasks wasn’t all that easy. However, in iOS 1... more
iOS & Swift
Beginning Realm on iOS
Realm is a cross-platform mobile database, a billion+ people rely on. It’s known for its speed, ease of us... more
iOS & Swift
iOS Photos Framework
Build an app using iOS's Photos Framework, which allows the user to select multiple images from the de... more
iOS & Swift
Testing in iOS
Testing is a great way to help ensure the pieces of your app remain functionally correct and bug-free. Exp... more
iOS & Swift
Intermediate iOS Design Patterns
Level-up your knowledge of design patterns with this course! Covers the MVVM, Factory, Adapter, Iterator, ... more
iOS & Swift
Beginning Networking with URLSession
Learn how to use URLSession, Apple’s networking API, including how to download data, show download progres... more
iOS & Swift
Modern Concurrency: Getting Started
Learn how to use Swift’s new native model for writing safe, efficient concurrent code. Create safe, perfor... more
iOS & Swift
Intermediate Combine
Combine has a number of operators to help with handling network data, sharing resources with multiple subs... more
iOS & Swift
Beginning CloudKit
While CloudKit can be used to implement your own custom iCloud solution, CloudKit can also be used to crea... more
iOS & Swift
Intermediate Core Data
Take a deeper dive into Core Data in this intermediate series! You’ll learn more about advanced fetching o... more
iOS & Swift
MapKit and Core Location
Want to take your app to the next level? In this video series, you’ll learn how to incorporate both locati... more