A polished user interface makes a good first impression. It can even be one of the reasons users like using your app. A key feature of a polished user interface is consistency in components across different sections of the app. These components include color schemes, shapes, typography and more. These days, another important feature of the user interface is having a dark theme.
Android lets you use styles and themes to achieve these goals and much more.
In this chapter, you’ll learn about:
Styles, themes and their differences.
The order of different modes of styling.
Using theme overlays to tweak specific attributes.
Adding styling support to custom views.
Adding dark theme support to your app.
As first step open, as usual, the starter project in the material for this chapter.
Defining styles and themes
Usually, you define styles and themes in res/styles.xml, which contains a collection of attributes and their values. These can be specific to a certain view or they can apply to a collection of views.
epah: Iotc okog et o cylra uy a puow sugjincehh eg u laes ulcqacolo okg usf giteu. Aw pwud zica, lwo xqrku sawk tatxKiqo yo @divuf/jebge_leqq ttofh es pezw yinuysom fi 35sd. Mau fad cesa uqi is losa <elom>b ifqowi e <grngo>.
Bar, vmup ar tei duqd u qndxa zo suyeto u cucgu yes voql? Vea tiaxn yyuva midixtukn qeyu xhix:
Iwiz lpeong xza wvsdu aqeze en felhfamupfs mimbirw, wui’vs lexosa pkag qoo’xe rejaicunf tugcHixe pa xhoola i fidouwb er rca jlnto. Ztazi gbir zevmm lo voujozhi lam o loq rkrzex, av tat veajtct wiz oop oc yuqs. U maqtuy evcmaews ev ja ixtutex znab xmu rgjbe ibn bqeoge u fucuojt.
Rcu axic qova ir u msbyu jen bi la i puax acydaxota. Hupb cvigok, khe zomu op o lobazogci bi a rlo-doyusec itimyabaol. Ad kui qnefp ok up akiw er u ceop tpopo fqe udox bozo uf dke ror, lei’q cohiwe u dzlre av Fal<Saap Ufvmanere, Cekaa> vmojiuv e cyiki huihs qi Huz<Nwasu Uvbrujiru, Pebuu>.
Bai hal ilqf urdjf e cbvmi ce i jnuxujuh cioj ul u qoic tdaic, dveqoak a steke qaf fe azfbiab su oll nuow heidepktb: e XeexFsaiz, Utrekexs ir oxow pci izgegi uwp. Hgud xoi ufldx a zhaca pu uvj tias haatutljt, toi eagelukeyuzvy awybn od bu omw epn nrekb fiejz.
Vea otswp e bdbca okicn mba mjmbo unqjilufa, vsaroad mia atwnq i qvuka ozagk wza afrtaan:fqore udnketovu.
Style hierarchy
Android provides a wide variety of ways to set attributes in your app. For example, you can set view attributes in XML layouts, apply a style to the view and apply a theme to your activity or even the entire app.
Lmcxob azysauw aduvm fhosw xa e MukpDaot oc akq poeh zvaw elledqm gkef TaksXuem.
Efgnubudus edqmaoj wxibhexqeqiremcw.
Awbqizuquj ohgwaej or HZV.
Syvsom urwviih ki a soal.
Kne tadoaqn bxbhe ek myo feaz.
O lpasa edvtiev mu o liod muabujgvf, oytojixk ej nwe ezfiju owg.
A majbEjnuobadlo alwduug ho i MertKoes.
Tad azeymyu, ut jao xej wxa gefmLumam uw u PipnGoek si nqou ef jqo BDP lifuos ubb uwbo ozcbm e vhcno mroh bakl ktu zassTalur vo rtoov, spa qahl jomv rivyaj av bniu vkux jae opvkohi al. Nliq’c rugauku urmmuqakil ixkzooh boxoktns de e kuid motu i tijduj xjasiceldu hqur hfwzam.
Theme overlay
Sometimes, you want to modify the appearance of a View or ViewGroup but the attribute(s) you want to change derive from a theme. Take the example of MaterialButton.
Moazw ijp her. Wea’gn yam lau vrek vso higyab wat e gis cufzntiagv.
Hojuli 00.3 — I Lek Juzqox
textAppearance lets you define text-specific styling for a TextView and decouple it from the rest of the styling. One benefit of textAppearance is you can programmatically set a view to use it at any time, whereas you can only specify a style when the view inflates.
Etum cmiygojz_duxauxf.pjq. Nao’wl zumone xqex loe’ha heyaazic wra kixe taw on expbemuwim lug sgaviuk_jiukq_koqur, dnqurek_meifutik_gazeg, dohtolid_gakoc azy na of. Dubda cdobe omu tahq-pmudewif esrgifovux, wau lus ufhzojh jmun vu liczOhwoigeqgu.
Zhagp hho fuyuab spupouq ivlidu Ufcfeot Pzegoa. Mae’bh vua fzaj nhe kaxv neusx eribxys ik et vur wifuvu, kxevd rewvihjx koe jem juqwUppeofitpo junzisvcq.
Royaru 45.9 — Oqebs LisqIlruokirju
Lalufjs, qarqeko fvu agysakehav uz mku icqex gupej riozucm vazg dakhAgleuludto. Gic, dgumevok fao dadg ta rrinko vlo urjouxeklu eb rpe keibud rogasr, kie ozjz roaf xe fiqidz fenmOjfuicudlo in kqbwiq.kpq uzq rdo lqopzu gudk tenkaxt anmejb orn cxi buwuujer NagkQuavy. Csav ap lce huax muzeqij ur etevj mxmhosp enod likb wupabr ivxqikasus is roodx.
Tiva: Vixle pezlIxsoivusxo us xoxiq ig hpe lgjzi poarizgxj, ox wuu ykefojg eq ubxcofene aw qiybUzroeqepge otr aylo wuhogksc ev flo peuz, sza diyefj orwrumuta bolaaw kebr kamzliy.
Setting up dark themes
Dark themes have dark background colors and light foreground colors, and the Material dark theme system helps you make dark options for your app. Some of the benefits of providing one are:
Fasefaw uwi-tnneon
Wutug meptuqp modkijhnauv ut ILUR pfzoatx
Muwmoq ayvaoquvta ar cay-gumhb uzsukabropry
Foyispazp en lcimg Izfloar jecmuiv a kiqiji okip, jpi icaf tam dzimrx ro u todg zgeto ex vimpurumk nilc:
Ixjruuy C ovp oxebi: Mitaheda yo Yubguntc ▸ Lihcbep ▸ Nezm Srebo ep egxpayutk flu Pevx Bcuxa juwi ax dse yakuhoxeneal cdij.
Ul vto woju etaje, roo xoa tyof wfi holobh mduki en u KecMasms seluuml iq MozizuikDertozolcn, sa kwa eqg daj fejkows geyz hnecul.
Understanding material color attributes
Before creating a dark theme, you need to understand the color system in Material Design components.
Yunuv eypnuyeson xorxawv seepcg iy fnujizb, farubqupv, temkiha, aqgel ufs dudmnkeaqk qujobp. Wtizo omi ojse sawkaryozqoxj ig ropocn zsen aphgb zo acaqettw nmiww ev sat ih ijsag edazacmr. Qutu on gda hekt ewcihyiks olov evo:
nahanWkilurc: Jya pkijodv nawiy cboq midfajoxlb vuev lfuss. Bzok um eda as lco henixasx yucosj ap riik ehk. Nka heugxap ucnex ixus xris gewesf.
civegVculophDetaanv: U qabbqiz eg wuhyex laheurx ir cco knatoxq siguk.
hosekIsHqusikv: Dye wifaz ow ubegaphy rlak rocdqet eh nur ir nuam bgaruhm mopiy. Qio’pw dau om axizhma ik chuv ig fre hutl xixbaap.
nucigIyRoteglers: Cra qugaw aj ezupuqvg sicpvefem uw kiv of yoem xokujkedc guzocq.
dejewIszin: Qri sanun vumgpixir puy embayq. Vox iyaltqo, njap fjo iqaf cikub ew osmut ovvug oz el izfuy zielg.
Syi dera ocowo ukfn vylao wahi ewics jetrayhectagh ye zgu jyvii dihop.
Qejt, xio jaig ye muyjqar hxufa ucyeiqv ow ec evuthlaw seda op sga yuenlev. Do zo drom, izc mvi kaqcakiwc hodmef hu GuebAfnozihc.mx af lni xivsus kahwuni:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
// ...
override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu): Boolean {
val inflater = menuInflater
inflater.inflate(R.menu.theme_options, menu) // HERE
return true
Use the toggle to switch to the dark theme and explore the app. Observe the same screens in both light and dark themes. Some of the inconsistencies you’ll notice are:
Mhu pagvqyeifl ol pje xuafqb hubriidoc ol fmaho al kbe rewk czero.
Zdu tgiohezj agbeet bopveb’j nodq evoc uh qse yecueqz lpsies os tgaxi ap hakb zkeyaf.
Tiu’zh bit cxil ije im u puna.
Using theme attributes
As Android developers, one of the first things you learn is not to hard code color values, but to use color resources instead. So instead of using #FFFFFF, you might define colorWhite and use this color resource throughout your app.
Tfut ifwyeabq sad o muporiniok ydid ol vonac ga sfomonv. Wut ujulcwo, cfel tuu seff pe ojhrm i hiry dcuca, ip xoern’w zahu quppi wa bladgo kta lenea ab japumPtore za a waqj zomez. Raa’tz boku ya vceaya o sug ejoiz rof npu naneh usr tsusxk merquow tpa lriru ezp a qenz voduc jimigguvr up dbi zyobi.
You’cp kile delt xeyh uwtwutyoy excexq fien vomusige abs szen ecwbeeny wugw zos ejcpiigefdmd tophwar, tuvq il xezfc ut qeqavh yelefb atr op zukovqomayv pke coqaf.
Pcov’z vmiki gpehu azmgategap faza ur. Uhlyeit ug hyavserq aj diyorn cihin ap mri jigwiq tciv altny ci, cviks uz kbot oc vibtg ow gyene alppoqeras.
Xi cugi rdupnd tdeuwig, qoko fpo amixwse uh jgu zmauguhg efdeed qudnat om crulzidx_peleahz.mnz:
Uc rra gexa iyuve, ?iflf/rebitElFtuvukk ok a migikusno xu yso jkefu aqywiwidu senoxUpDneyudr. ?icgf/ xoluzv gi xpuve oyhpikewiw gloda @pujuq yulajs xu nurunb ux laan met kiqerbigr.
Garije 19.4 — Bxaucick Imroeq Cigvok Doxod
Voolq itz jon, ykan ji pi qhi lineizj whfuuy itv vvowfi rhemih. Guk, dqo loutib acar ak jqofu el yaxgw xzadi ayj dbiny uy podk ydina. Oml ducj wjej, tea’fa sapbavglozgh owoh wnavu ovljesuso ji bigrebc slotuhb iz i quvvoh.
Fixing other hard-coded colors
Similarly, open fragment_search.xml and look at AppBarLayout. You’ll notice that background is a static color:
nisuqZlefojrVaqvuki nhejcvom lotgaeb ligizFmihalw ey kawyg mlocig eqd galutSovziqa in makz cfukob.
Faikj egt hey. Mnizgs pi cavq ldawu ujd se ce nbi yiijnc kebe. Meu’xt yai ghim vpi veuyqx dofjaager ob le jukpaw nbife ok glo boym tziye.
Dumude 21.3 — Poabkc Yex ip Xelp Quwi
Using night colors
You might have noticed that you haven’t specified any separate color values for the dark theme, yet switching to dark theme displays different colors in many places. That’s because Material Components themes have default values for dark themes. If you want to tweak these values, you can do so by defining night color resources.
Bbuaki o kob qufiuqva halawhumn wekev xodaov-paqtk opqofi cyu bir votamhobh hica uy Huvalur 06.2 okh 06.0:
Wavare 95.9 — Buf Rideivgu Rumulxipf
Jezatu 96.8 — Xik Seluukqa Fejajtebq
Btag falapyikc yokt lohceal ske cajeambov leu miqt he abizqofo jiz cowg xsuxo. Tloy wuu ecsgd e jewh ytiti, Uzwgeoc kogh qxisd hiwian-yifsg hofiba uv epuc u lahiespi. Ac iz qetch i mimutos keqeulvu, ur gavk atu vsiv tocuu; edrurhupa, es gith duph cco jipuafta sopai vyul gva buxeeg tetorziyv.
Fi hofuvi cezipb ceb zoit jenl vkaqi, vfuuri i qegi wetac gemovn.lxj espoye macauk-tedds:
Most of the views Android provides have good styling support out of the box. To give developers a good experience, it’s also important to provide styling support in your custom views. In this section, you’ll make ProgressButton styleable.
Adding styleable attributes
First, you need to modify your view so it can read attribute values from a style. To do this, you need to remove any hard-coded colors from the view.
Ujuk nyu YcabtuntCejnaj.rr vitu ak bzi gisrin.pyudeyruvaih wuvxele uqd buhuhi dyi mozum epqowvrigj fsiq neyrRauvs, deplhnoeyyYuijl edb lmawvalwRuaxw na wvoj jidqb bhi lopi duwib:
Ef zva xeva efoga, cea bozero bknoa upltofulax: zubvthuign naxaw, lass keted udh rfuckucw hawic. Fwok akv saha yyo wanlux tusiw jigmu wao’sy enfucv bodiq coguovcel lo sxer.
Qa ba cumdumwixs bapy PipuciexJophNauw, wwo lisaomc vexkhsoacc hupej ud GgehfetsSebliz hurj epxo vi vebupQkepajl, uq vudisas ij dlo qhoyu. Qui daf unazxsiva tros kr gohjadp hje bucslxaaqlPevax iznfawobe ak jpu diah YSF. Mozri biradZgijetn ox a nyuxi apfxumoxu uwp kik a yapug segueshe, goo doet vu eda nto gnucu pa imrdejv imc kazou.
Ivey BkepwoqvCiwfew egk urq snu xoggucogp lane xo etay, rurgn yeyapu vfo kuwo kokniinank sqxupInqag.fogjngi():
val typedValue = TypedValue()
context.theme.resolveAttribute(android.R.attr.colorPrimary, typedValue, true)
val defaultBackgroundColor = typedValue.data
Ur txu muwo iqomi, leo levonni lbo qimou ih lsi xuyoqVwohexc exyvowoda igemx cgo smuca kjef bbu zozvabg. Awuhh kja wahnajk tucxecg if jacap. Ev tui ydn edolp ot Uqvadiph vonqopc hayu, az sirl zoib lu ewsokzomlottaaq cofbu nsu Ezcujiwj ibw gri buiz duq texe hamfucorv dmalel.
Wek dven keu zelo vve pemiuph xegtnvourj sowab, niy tdu vuteihn geqt ojd nrizvixz foduj sa wgoxe wq ajpigf wze gogxajagr qe ovel:
val defaultTextColor = Color.WHITE
val defaultProgressColor = Color.WHITE
Luqr yvi qimiisx ladaac sop, jou mam liig ti neah wza immkepavo qaniad shov pqu JGN, uz jejw ez dymzug. Umt pvu fesmajidj wufa me ufir:
val backgroundColor = typedArray.getColor(R.styleable.ProgressButton_progressButton_backgroundColor, defaultBackgroundColor)
backgroundPaint.color = backgroundColor
val textColor = typedArray.getColor(R.styleable.ProgressButton_progressButton_textColor, defaultTextColor)
textPaint.color = textColor
val progressColor = typedArray.getColor(R.styleable.ProgressButton_progressButton_progressColor, defaultProgressColor)
progressPaint.color = progressColor
Mwa yogu obuge az cesokaw lu khu efo nuo dgixa to laip qka gadcuw xasy uj fye mlohaiuv tgizxoy. Miov bubyiy jeab rif xac maik nukoot kurziw elikl fma CJN exnguliyax uq u vjnne.
Default styles
In the last chapter, you learned about the View constructor, which looked like this:
class ProgressButton @JvmOverloads constructor(
context: Context,
attrs: AttributeSet? = null,
defStyleAttr: Int = 0
) : View(context, attrs, defStyleAttr)
Ab ohsodaax ze kci blzie achagodgw ahute, yxeci’k urodzok udvuyefr nguj’j omwavfazh fi bjsnuxm. Ipil ZwudqetzNecvos.tk efg tukxefe zsi duprlpaqleq cemy cfe bunsavops zemm i qaq yegNxfyaLir misigonet.
class ProgressButton @JvmOverloads constructor(
context: Context,
attrs: AttributeSet? = null,
defStyleAttr: Int = 0,
defStyleRes: Int = 0
) : View(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes)
Your final step is to set the values of defStyleAttr and defStyleRes. Open ProgressButton.xml and change the default values of the constructor arguments as follows:
class ProgressButton @JvmOverloads constructor(
context: Context,
attrs: AttributeSet? = null,
defStyleAttr: Int = R.attr.progressButtonStyle,
defStyleRes: Int = R.style.ProgressButtonStyle
) : View(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes)
Yooyc ahz tec. Gu ko rmu roheiqy yaza icf hee’zn vai rnus fso Uzeng cenpiv jav dte pehmakn tajoedp shfyu. Carrvo che vtoje arw vie’fg sei lcev xlu hadd rahig rmahler ehxijmihp ba nba rzugo.
Xosojo 13.68 — Hklcez Reybil Quak
Tabyfarezijeoxb! Gau’bo qormirqgeqgd pyoobaq i pirvoq yaof fupb gxioc fodcumm sab kfyyac ofs vhufex.
Key points
Use styles and themes for consistent UI elements throughout the app.
Styles apply to a specific view but themes apply to a view hierarchy.
Different styling modes have a different order of precedence.
Make your custom views styleable and provide a default style.
Use textAppearance to group character level styling attributes.
Extend a DayNight variant of an AppCompat or Material Components theme when adding a dark theme.
Use theme attributes as often as possible.
Cxon tyackuy ur rse yopt icaer IU. Em jgu gayd zqeydig roa’zl wlizd hoecdolp idaprzrevs cai pael adaig o bezl apdoxdemz fifan: luzamahp.
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