Core ML and Vision Tutorial: On-device training on iOS

This tutorial introduces you to Core ML and Vision, two cutting-edge iOS frameworks, and how to fine-tune a model on the device. By Christine Abernathy.

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Adding the Shortcut Drawing View

It’s time to prepare the drawing view on image by following these steps:

  1. First, declare a DrawingView.
  2. Next, add the drawing view in the main view.
  3. Then, call the addCanvasForDrawing from viewDidLoad().
  4. Finally, clear the canvas on selecting an image.

Open CreateQuoteViewController.swift and add the following property after the IBOutlet declarations:

var drawingView: DrawingView!

This contains the view where the user draws the shortcut.

Next, add the following code to implement addCanvasForDrawing():

drawingView = DrawingView(frame: stickerView.bounds)
drawingView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
  drawingView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: stickerView.topAnchor),
  drawingView.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: stickerView.leftAnchor),
  drawingView.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: stickerView.rightAnchor),
  drawingView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: stickerView.bottomAnchor)

Here you create an instance of the drawing view and add it to the main view. You set Auto Layout constraints so that it overlaps only the sticker view.

Then, add the following to the end of viewDidLoad():

drawingView.isHidden = true

Here you add the drawing view and make sure it’s initially hidden.

Now, in imagePickerController(_:didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo:) add the following right after addStickerButton is enabled:

drawingView.isHidden = false

Here you clear any previous drawings and unhide the drawing view so the user can add stickers.

Build and run the app and select a photo. Use your mouse, or finger, to verify that you can draw on the selected image:

Waterfall with quote and drawings added

Progress has been made. Onwards!

Making Model Predictions

Drag UpdatableDrawingClassifier.mlmodel from the starter’s Models directory into your Xcode project’s Models folder:

Add updatable model in Xcode

Now, select UpdatableDrawingClassifier.mlmodel in Project navigator. The Update section lists the two inputs the model expects during training. One represents the drawing and the other the emoji label:

Updatable model details in Xcode

The Prediction section lists the input and outputs. The drawing input format matches that used during training. The label output represents the predicted emoji label.

Select the Model folder in Xcode’s Project navigator. Then, go to File ▸ New ▸ File…, choose the iOS ▸ Source ▸ Swift File template, and click Next. Name the file UpdatableModel.swift and click Create.

Now, replace the Foundation import with the following:

import CoreML

This brings in the machine learning framework.

Now add the following extension to the end of the file:

extension UpdatableDrawingClassifier {
  var imageConstraint: MLImageConstraint {
    return model.modelDescription

  func predictLabelFor(_ value: MLFeatureValue) -> String? {
      let pixelBuffer = value.imageBufferValue,
      let prediction = try? prediction(drawing: pixelBuffer).label 
      else {
         return nil
    if prediction == "unknown" {
      print("No prediction found")
      return nil
    return prediction

This extends UpdatableDrawingClassifier which is the generated model class. Your code adds the following:

  1. imageConstraint to make sure the image matches what the model expects.
  2. predictLabelFor(_:) to call the model’s prediction method with the CVPixelBuffer representation of the drawing. It returns the predicted label or nil if there’s no prediction.

Updating the Model

Add the following after the import statement:

struct UpdatableModel {
  private static var updatedDrawingClassifier: UpdatableDrawingClassifier?
  private static let appDirectory = FileManager.default.urls(
    for: .applicationSupportDirectory,
    in: .userDomainMask).first!
  private static let defaultModelURL =
  private static var updatedModelURL =
  private static var tempUpdatedModelURL =

  private init() { }

  static var imageConstraint: MLImageConstraint {
    let model = updatedDrawingClassifier ?? UpdatableDrawingClassifier()
    return model.imageConstraint

The struct represents your updatable model. The definition here sets up properties for the model. These include locations to the original compiled model and the saved model.

Note: Core ML uses a compiled model file with an .mlmodelc extension which is actually a folder.

Loading the Model Into Memory

Now, add the following private extension after the struct definition:

private extension UpdatableModel {
  static func loadModel() {
    let fileManager = FileManager.default
    if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: updatedModelURL.path) {
      do {
        let updatedModelParentURL =
        try fileManager.createDirectory(
          at: updatedModelParentURL,
          withIntermediateDirectories: true,
          attributes: nil)
        let toTemp = updatedModelParentURL
        try fileManager.copyItem(
          at: defaultModelURL,
          to: toTemp)
        try fileManager.moveItem(
          at: toTemp,
          to: updatedModelURL)
      } catch {
        print("Error: \(error)")
    guard let model = try? UpdatableDrawingClassifier(
      contentsOf: updatedModelURL) else {
    updatedDrawingClassifier = model

This code loads the updated, compiled model into memory. Next, add the following public extension right after the struct definition:

extension UpdatableModel {
  static func predictLabelFor(_ value: MLFeatureValue) -> String? {
    return updatedDrawingClassifier?.predictLabelFor(value)

The predict method loads the model into memory then calls the predict method that you added to the extension.

Now, open Drawing.swift and add the following after the PencilKit import:

import CoreML

You need this to prepare the prediction input.

Preparing the Prediction

Core ML expects you to wrap the input data for a prediction in an MLFeatureValue object. This object includes both the data value and its type.

In Drawing.swift, add the following property to the struct:

var featureValue: MLFeatureValue {
  let imageConstraint = UpdatableModel.imageConstraint
  let preparedImage = whiteTintedImage
  let imageFeatureValue =
    try? MLFeatureValue(cgImage: preparedImage, constraint: imageConstraint)
  return imageFeatureValue!

This defines a computed property that sets up the drawing’s feature value. The feature value is based on the white-tinted representation of the image and the model’s image constraint.

Now that you’ve prepared the input, you can focus on triggering the prediction.

First, open CreateQuoteViewController.swift and add the DrawingViewDelegate extension to the end of the file:

extension CreateQuoteViewController: DrawingViewDelegate {
  func drawingDidChange(_ drawingView: DrawingView) {
    // 1
    let drawingRect = drawingView.boundingSquare()
    let drawing = Drawing(
      drawing: drawingView.canvasView.drawing,
      rect: drawingRect)
    // 2
    let imageFeatureValue = drawing.featureValue
    // 3
    let drawingLabel = 
    // 4
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
      guard let emoji = drawingLabel else {
      self.addStickerToCanvas(emoji, at: drawingRect)

Recall that you added a DrawingView to draw sticker shortcuts. In this code, you conform to the protocol to get notified whenever the drawing has changed. Your implementation does the following:

  1. Creates a Drawing instance with the drawing info and its bounding square.
  2. Creates the feature value for the drawing prediction input.
  3. Makes a prediction to get the emoji that corresponds to the drawing.
  4. Updates the view on the main queue to clear the canvas and add the predicted emoji to the view.

Then, in imagePickerController(_:didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo:) remove the following:


You don’t need to clear the drawing here. You’ll do this after you make a prediction.