Launch Image
You get an ugly white screen right before the game starts up. Open up LaunchScreen.storyboard
and drag in an image view. Pin it to all four sides of the screen:

Change the image to Gradient.png

Now you've replaced that ugly white screen with a nicer looking gradient! :]
Where to Go From Here?
Congratulations, you're all done! You can download the final project here.
I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial on making a game like Stack!
There are many additional features that you could add to the game:
- Make the Color Change With Height more distinctively
- Currently, the Camera won't zoom out all the way for certain heights. Change the amount the camera zooms out to fix this.
- Apply a force to the cut off block to make it spin off the tower
If you'd like to learn more about making 3D Games with Scene Kit, check out our 3D Apple Games by Tutorials book. We also recommend checking out the official Apple's Scene Kit page for even more details about SceneKit.
We'd love to see what you've done, so join the discussion below share some of your ideas to improve this game and feel free to ask any questions you may have!