Beginning Collection Views

Learn all about using collection views in iOS, starting with the basics, such as setting up a collection view in Interface Builder, and then move right through to some more advanced topics, like creating and manipulating custom cells and layouts. By Catie Catterwaul & Jessy Catterwaul.

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Part 1: Part 1: The Basics

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What are Collection Views? Find out how Collection Views compare to their close relative, the Table View, in this introductory video.

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Start building a new Collection View focused app from scratch! Use the UICollectionView Delegate and Data Source protocols to set up your first Collection View.

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Start customizing the appearance and functionality of your Collection View with column numbers, cell size, spacing, and scroll direction.

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What happens when you tap on a cell? In this challenge, implement basic cell selection using your knowledge of Table Views.

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Add a detail view to your app. Find out how to navigate to a new view when a cell is tapped using Segues in Interface Builder.

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In this challenge, combine the two approaches you've already learned to wrap up the cell selection functionality.

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Find out how to add items to a data model and update a Collection View to display new cells. Bonus: Batch addition and pull-to-refresh controls!

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Begin the process of creating an editing mode for your Collection View to allow users to remove multiple cells at once.

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It turns out deleting cells can be quite involved! Try your hand at implementing the remaining functionality for deleting cells.

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Take some time to clean up the user interface for your collection view for a more polished experience.

Conclusion 1:29
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Wrap up this section by reviewing what you've learned about Collection Views, and find out what's coming up in the Section 2.

Part 2: Part 2: Customization

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In this video, get some ideas about collection view customization, and find out how we cleaned up our app from Section 1.

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Build up a custom Collection View Cell class in an updated collection view featuring images of National Parks.

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In this video tutorial you'll learn how to add a label to a custom collection view cell and populate it with the Park data.

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In this video tutorial, learn how to add multiple sections to the app using Section Headers to separate parks by state.

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Customize your section headers to display more information about each section and better organize your collection view.

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Subclass UICollectionViewFlowLayout to get custom functionality such as animating cells that are added.

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In this challenge you'll animate the deletion of cells on your own and get a peek at view animations, while you're here.

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In this short video you'll learn about a property which will to enable you to longpress on a collection view and move cells around.

Conclusion 2:06
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Review what you've learned in this section on collection view customization, and get some advice about where to go next.