Scroll View School

Scroll views are a means to provide a lot of content in a small amount of space, but unfortunately, they can be a bit tricky. This course will walk you through the basics of scroll views, showing you to use them in a variety of layouts. Once you get comfortable with them, you'll explore several scroll view recipes that have been inspired in some popular recipes. By Brian Moakley.

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Part 1: Part 1: Beginning Scroll Views

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Scroll views are used everywhere in iOS. In this video, you'll learn where they are used and why they are important to learn.

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Every view has a frame and has bounds. This video introduces these concepts and how they relate to scroll views.

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By writing a little code, you can write your own Do-It-Yourself custom scroll view.

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In this challenge, you'll see how frames and bounds work by altering these properties. Your job is to write the code.

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Now that you have an idea of how a scroll view works, you'll be introduced to using the UIScrollView that is included with iOS.

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Setting the content size determines the scrolling size of scroll view. In this video, you'll learn how to set it.

Zooming 8:26
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Pinch to zoom is a great way to increase or decrease the size of a view. In this video, you'll learn how to implement it.

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This video will show you the process of centering the content by way of adding padding.

Auto Layout 10:13
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This video will show how to setup constraints in your scroll views in order to layout your views.

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Your second challenge to create a simply layout in a scroll view, using constraints.

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Stacks Views are great to create layouts, but can be a pain when dealing with Auto Layout. This video will walk you through the issues.

Conclusion 0:34
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This wraps up the section on beginning scroll views. In this video, you'll get a glimpse at the next section.

Part 2: Part 2: Intermediate Scroll Views

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This video provides an overview of some of the topics that will be covered in this part of the course.

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Often times, you'll need to embed existing layouts into a scroll view. This video will show you how to do it.

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Often times, you'll need to embed a scroll view inside of a scroll view. This video shows how to do it without any issues.

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Content insets are where you can add padding to a scroll view. This video will show you how.

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Now that you understand insets, this challenge will have you add them to a scroll view.

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When a keyboard appears, it's helpful to adjust a scroll view to account for the size of it. This is done by way of insets which you'll learn here.

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Your challenge is to add some keyboard insets to the sample project.

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Scroll views can be used to layout view controllers next to each other. This allows you to add paging to your app.

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A paging control shows the user where they are located in a series of pages. You'll learn how to use this control in this video.

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Your challenge is to add a paging control to the sample app.

Conclusion 0:38
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This video concludes this section and gives a brief overview of the next and final section.

Part 3: Part 3: Scroll View Recipes

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This video introduces the final section of the course.

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This video covers the theory behind the slide out navigation bar that you'll construct in this section.

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Your challenge is to add an offset to the scroll view so that the proper view controller is displayed.

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This video will fix the remaining issues with the slide out navigation bar.

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iOS comes with a pull to refresh control right out of the box. This video will show you how to use it.

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Now you know how to use a refresh control, your challenge is to add it to the sample app.

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While the stock pull to refresh is nice, a custom pull to refresh is pretty awesome. In the remaining video, you'll learn how to make an cool looking pull to refresh using scroll views.

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The custom pull to refresh has many different image elements. With some a bit of code, this video will show you how to add a parallax effect.

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When a user pulls down on the refresh view, a nice effect is to lock it into place. This video will show you how.

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This video adds some polish to the pull to refresh and even makes Super Cat fly.

Conclusion 0:58
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This final video reviews everything that was covered in this series.