iOS Concurrency with GCD & Operations

Sep 12 2023 · Swift 5.8, macOS 13, iOS 16, Xcode 14.3

Part 1: Grand Central Dispatch

08. Wrap an Asynchronous Function

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What if you need to call an asynchronous function as part of the group? How can you tell the group when it really finishes?

func asyncAdd(
  _ input: (Int, Int),
  runQueue: DispatchQueue = .userInitiated),
  completionQueue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue.main,
  completion: @escaping (Result<Int, SlowAddError>) -> ()) {
  runQueue.async {
    let result = slowAddPlus(input)
    completionQueue.async { completion(result) }
func asyncAdd_Group(
  _ input: (Int, Int),
  runQueue: DispatchQueue = .userInitiated),
  completionQueue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue.main,
  group: DispatchGroup,
  completion: @escaping (Result<Int, SlowAddError>) -> ()) {
asyncAdd(input) { result in
  completionQueue.async { completion(result) }
defer { group.leave() }  // add this line
completionQueue.async { completion(result) }  // already written
for pair in numberArray {
  asyncAdd_Group(pair, group: wrappedGroup) { result in  // provide completion argument
    print("Result = \(result)")
wrappedGroup.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main) {
  print("WRAPPED ASYNC ADD: Completed all tasks")
=== Group of async tasks ===

Result = success(9)
Result = success(1)
Result = success(5)
Result = success(17)
Result = failure(WrapAsyncMethod_Sources.SlowAddError.notEnoughFingers)
WRAPPED ASYNC ADD: Completed all tasks