Beginning Collection Views

Learn all about using collection views in iOS, starting with the basics, such as setting up a collection view in Interface Builder, and then move right through to some more advanced topics, like creating and manipulating custom cells and layouts. By Michael Briscoe.

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Find out what's covered in our Beginning Collection Views video tutorial series and learn what a Collection View is and how is it similar to a Table View.

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Learn about the most important components of collection views; the controller, the layout, and the data source.

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In this video tutorial we cover creating a custom collection view cell, and loading an image into each cell.

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In this video tutorial, we sort the collection view into multiple sections with each displaying a title.

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In this beginning collection views video tutorial you'll learn how to add new cells to your collection view.

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Learn how to customize your layout by creating a subclass of UICollectionViewFlowLayout and add an animation when an item is inserted into the collection view.

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In this video tutorial, we’re going to take a look at how you can delete cells from the collection view.

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In this video tutorial, we’re going to take a look at how you can move cells around using drag-and-drop.

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In this video tutorial we’ll look at the Cell-Prefetching feature introduced in iOS 10, which can improve the scrolling performance of your collection views.

Conclusion 2:10
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In this final video we'll review what you've learned about using collection views in your apps, and discuss where to go from here.


Michael Briscoe


Michael Briscoe


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