Scroll View School
Scroll Views are one of the most important controls in iOS. You can use them to scroll across a large set of content, but that’s just the beginning! In this series, you’ll start with the basics and go all the way to using scroll views for some cool techniques like sidebar controllers, pull-to-refresh controllers, Sprite Kit integration, and much more. This series uses Swift and is an update to our older Objective-C series. By Greg Heo.
In this video you'll learn what topics are covered in our Swift Scroll View School video tutorial series.
In this video tutorial you'll learn about frame and bounds so you can gain an understanding of how scroll views work.
In this video tutorial, you'll get started with your first scroll view!
In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to zoom content within a scroll view.
In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to center your content within a scroll view.
In this video tutorial you'll learn how to use storyboards and Auto Layout to set up some simple controls inside a scroll view.
In this video tutorial you'll learn how to nest scroll views inside another scroll view.
In this video tutorial you'll learn how to use content insets to better display your content in scroll views.
In this video tutorial you'll learn more about content insets to better display your content in scroll views.
In this video tutorial you'll learn how to use content insets to make room for the software keyboard.
In this video tutorial you'll learn about paging scroll views and how to center a page when the user stops scrolling.
In this video tutorial you'll learn about paging scroll views including how to add a gap between your pages for a nice margin and how to add a page control.
In this video tutorial you'll learn how to use UIPageViewControllers to create paging scroll views with increased efficiency.
In this video tutorial you'll learn how to build a slide-out sidebar navigation menu using scroll views.
In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to implement a second sidebar on the right hand side and a menu toggle button.
In this video tutorial, you'll begin learning how to build a custom pull to refresh control.
In this video tutorial, you'll continue learning about custom pull to refresh controls with scroll views and now add a parallax effect to the refresh view.
In this video tutorial, you'll continue learning about pull to refresh controls and simulate a refresh action, and then make the view disappear.
In this video tutorial you'll learn how to use scroll views for scrolling in your Sprite Kit apps and games.
In this video tutorial you'll learn how to use scroll views for zooming in your Sprite Kit apps and games.
In this video tutorial you'll learn how to use scroll views to build a scrolling level selector for your Sprite Kit game.
In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to complete your Sprite Kit game's level selector using scroll views.