Beginning Metal
Learn the basics of Computer Graphics and programming on the GPU. Create an exciting arcade game with the mini game engine you’ll develop using Metal. By Caroline Begbie.
Find out what’s covered in our Beginning Metal video tutorial series.
In this video tutorial, you'll get started learning about GPU parallel processing and about the Metal pipeline.
In this video tutorial, you'll discover why triangles are important and how to draw them using Metal.
Learn how to optimize rendering performance using indices. You’ll also learn how to do simple animation and create a scene graph.
Learn about the shader library and how to use Metal Shading Language in vertex and fragment functions.
In this video tutorial on Metal, you'll learn how textures map to vertices and how to use sampler states.
In this beginning Metal video tutorial, you'll learn how to use matrices to translate, scale and rotate models.
In this beginning Metal video tutorial, you’ll learn how to add depth to scenes and render models in front of other models.
In this beginning Metal tutorial video, you’ll learn how to import Blender and other 3D models into your game scenes.
Learn how you can using instancing to render crowd scenes or a field of grass using minimal resources.
In this video tutorial, you'll discover how lighting is important to a scene and learn how to implement ambient lighting.
In this Metal video tutorial, you’ll earn how to add shading and highlights to your models with diffuse and specular lighting.
In this beginning Metal tutorial video, you’ll create a Breakout clone using a scene graph and lighting techniques.
In this video tutorial on Beginning Metal, you’ll implement Breakout game play and learn how to handle simple collisions and scene transitions.
In this closing video from Beginning Metal, you’ll review what you’ve learned, and get some hints on where to go from here.