Implicit Flutter Animations

Create delightful user experiences by learning how to add implicit animations to your Flutter apps. By Emmanuel Okiche.

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Who is this for?

Flutter developers who understand the basics of UI widgets in Flutter and want to learn how to add interactions and animations to their apps.

Covered concepts

  • Implicit Animations
  • TweenAnimationBuilder
  • Curves
  • Keys in Flutter
  • Custom Animation for Existing Widgets
  • 3D Transform Animations
  • Performance Optimizations
  • Animation Tips
  • Understand when to use Implicit Animations

Part 1: Animation Fundamentals

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Get introduced to the concept of animations and see Flutter’s approach to creating animations.

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Understand implicit animations and learn how to use them in your app.

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See how curves affect our animations and make our motions more realistic.

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Learn how to use the TweenAnimationBuilder widget when the built-in implicit animations don’t fulfil your needs.

Part 2: Implicit Animations in Action

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Use the AnimatedContainer and AnimatedOpacity widget to animate a social share button.

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Use the knowledge of animations to affect how a PageView item animates in and create an indicator animation.

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Learn how to add form interactions that trigger a credit card flip animation using the TweenAnimationBuilder.

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Learn how to animate selected items from a list using the AnimatedContainer and AnimatedDefaultTextStyle widgets.

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Work with the AnimatedSwitcher widget and learn about the importance of keys while animating.

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Work with the AnimatedPositioned widget and GlobalKeys to create a dynamic position animation for the selector widget.

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Learn about when the best scenarios are to use implicit animations and see how the animations we built pass these tests.