Saving Data in iOS
From saving simple text files to implementing a complete object graph management solution, iOS provides a variety of different options on persisting your data. This series explores all the various different savings methods and shows how you can start implementing them in your app, updated using Swift and the latest APIs. By Brian Moakley.
Find out what's covered in our Saving Data in iOS video tutorial series.
Learn how to save your strings and NSData to disc.
Learn about the NSFileManager which allows you as the name suggests to manage your files.
Learn how to create and change property lists and how you will be able to use them inside of your app.
Learn how to save your object graph to disc using the NSCoding protocol.
Learn about NSUser defaults and how you can start using it in your apps.
Learn how to integrate your app into the settings app to allow users to configure your app when they are outside of it.
Learn how to work with XML when saving data in iOS.
Learn how to work with JSON when saving data in iOS.
Learn about SQLite, a small embeddable database that you can add to your apps.
Learn about FMDB and how it makes saving data with SQLite easy.
Review what you've learned in our Saving Data in iOS video tutorial series and find out where to go from here.