Beginning watchOS

Get started with developing apps for Apple’s most personal device, the Apple Watch! In this series, you’ll learn the basics of the WatchKit framework including how to use the layout system, tables and the different options around app navigation. You should already be familiar with Swift; iOS is good to have but not required. By Greg Heo.

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Find out what's covered in our Beginning watchOS video tutorial series.

Layout I 10:47
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Learn the basics of layout on the watch in this first video.

Layout II 9:50
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Learn more layout techniques in this video: insets, spacing, and adaptive layout.

Tables 9:18
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Learn the basics of tables in WatchKit.

Table Rows 7:35
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Learn how to set up and configure table rows.

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Learn about interactive elements with actions such as menus on the watch.

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Learn the basics of navigation and moving between different interface controllers in your watch app.

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Learn about page-based interfaces and modal segues.

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Learn about custom drawing on the watch, and the basics of Core Graphics.

Animations 6:37
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Learn the basics of both image- and view-based animations on the watch.

Glances 9:22
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Learn about glances: what they can do, and how to test them out in the simulator.

Conclusion 3:09
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Review what was covered in our Beginning watchOS video tutorial series and find out where to go from here.


Greg Heo


Greg Heo


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