Beginning Swift 2

Learn about Apple’s brand new programming language, Swift, through hands-on examples! This series is primarily intended for those who have some prior programming experience and are looking to get up-to-speed quickly with Swift 2. This series requires use of Xcode 7. If you are completely new to programming, this series may go a bit too fast for you. If this is the case for you, I recommend going through part 1 of our iOS Apprentice series, which you can get for free by signing up to our site newsletter. By Greg Heo.

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Find out what's covered in our Beginning Swift video series and get started learning Swift 2.

Playgrounds 10:14
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Ease into the Swift language and learn about playgrounds, which is where we'll be working for the rest of the series.

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Go beyond just values in your Swift 2 playground and look at variables, constants, and a little more about the type system.

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Learn about control flow and scope in Swift 2 including making decisions, conditions and repeating steps with loops.

Functions 9:00
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Learn how to use functions in Swift 2 to group your code together to into a reusable unit.

Optionals 10:42
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Learn about optionals in Swift 2 and how you can safely unwrap them.

Structs 8:52
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Learn how to use structs in Swift 2 to combine data and functions.

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Learn about arrays and sets in Swift 2.

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Learn how to use dictionaries in Swift 2 to map one thing to another.

Classes 13:18
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Learn about the complexities of classes, a compositional type similar to structs.

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Learn how to use enumerations to define your own limited set of options.

Conclusion 5:13
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Review what you've learned in this Beginning Swift video series and see how it relates to some big picture concepts.


Greg Heo


Greg Heo


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