Auto Layout

Auto Layout is a technology that was released in iOS 6 that allows you to build your layouts for different screen sizes and orientations. This series walks you through the basics of layouts in both Interface Builder and code. While the subject matter is complex, it is designed for beginners and assumes no knowledge of Auto Layout. By Jerry Beers.

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Find out why you should use Auto Layout and what's covered in our Intro to Auto Layout video tutorial series.

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Learn how to create a layout and the corresponding constraints using Auto Layout in Interface Builder.

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Learn about different ways you can use control drag to create constraints and how to use container views to apply constraints to a group of views.

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Learn about editing constraints in Auto Layout.

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Learn about constraint priorities, the problems they solve, and the power they bring to your layout.

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Learn about the automatic constraints that some views create based on their intrinsic content size.

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Learn how to create constraints in code.

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Learn about some great tools for working with Auto Layout in code: UILayoutGuide and NSLayoutAnchor.

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Learn how to use the visual format language to create multiple constraints in a much more compact way.

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Learn about debugging in Auto Layout.

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Learn how the layout system works, how to animate changes to constraints, and which other animation methods you should or should not use with Auto Layout.

Conclusion 3:15
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Review what you learned in our Auto Layout video tutorial series and get some tips and resources to help you learn more about mastering layouts.