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All Tutorials · 363 Results

Screencast Video Course Advanced Intermediate
Flutter & Dart
Your First Flutter Flame Game
Creating a game can be a really complex endeavor, especially when you want to support multiple platforms. ... more
Flutter & Dart
Testing in Flutter
Testing is one of the important aspect in app development. Testing helps to find and fix bugs, increasing ... more
iOS & Swift
iOS Concurrency with GCD & Operations
Learn how to add concurrency to your apps! Keep your app’s UI responsive to give your users a great user e... more
Android & Kotlin
Jetpack Compose: Getting Started
In this Jetpack Compose Course, you’ll learn what Compose is, what its fundamental components are, and how... more
Android & Kotlin
Deploying Android Apps Using GitHub Actions
Learn how to automate the process of generating signed builds, and releasing them to Firebase App Distribu... more
Flutter & Dart
Flutter Hero Animations
Create impressive hero animations using the Hero Widget in Flutter when transitioning from one screen to a... more
Flutter & Dart
Flutter Desktop Apps: Getting Started
Learn how to create a Flutter Desktop App for both the Macintosh and Windows platforms. Create application... more
Android & Kotlin
Testing Legacy Apps on Android
In this course you are going to learn how to apply the test-driven development practices your learned in “... more
iOS & Swift
watchOS: Complications
Learn how to develop one of the most compelling and useful features of the Apple Watch: Complications.
Android & Kotlin
Test-Driven Development in Android
In this course, you are going to learn how to create scalable and maintainable apps by applying several te... more
Flutter & Dart
How to Create a 2D Snake Game in Flutter
Learn how to build a 2D Snake game in Flutter for both Android and iOS platforms. You will learn how to us... more
Android & Kotlin
Wrangling Dates & Time in Android
In this course, gain a deep understanding of how the Data-Time Library works & learn to manage the ess... more
iOS & Swift
Apple Health Frameworks
This course will walk you through the steps of making a health app using all the Apple Health Frameworks. ... more
iOS & Swift
Supporting SwiftUI with Core Graphics
Learn how to support SwiftUI drawing with Core Graphics! This course picks up where our Drawing in iOS wit... more
Server-Side Swift
Server-Side Sign in with Apple
You may know how to set up Sign in with Apple in an iOS project, but most tutorials don’t actually cover w... more
Flutter & Dart
Flutter Navigator 2.0
Navigator 2.0 is Flutter’s new declarative API for the Navigator widget. Learn how to migrate an app from ... more
Android & Kotlin
Lifecycle-Aware Components in Android
Learn about lifecycle-aware components including what they are, how they work & how to create your own... more
iOS & Swift
Modern Concurrency: Beyond the Basics
Build on your knowledge of async/await, tasks and asynchronous sequences to use concurrent tasks in safe, ... more
iOS & Swift
Modern Concurrency: Getting Started
Learn how to use Swift’s new native model for writing safe, efficient concurrent code. Create safe, perfor... more
Flutter & Dart
Managing State in Flutter
State management is a key aspect of working with Flutter. There are lots of different solutions with lots ... more
iOS & Swift
Advanced Networking with URLSession
Dive deeper into URLSession. Learn how to upload data and how to perform background downloads. Work with s... more
iOS & Swift
Beginning Networking with URLSession
Learn how to use URLSession, Apple’s networking API, including how to download data, show download progres... more
Android & Kotlin
MVVM on Android
In this course, you will learn how to build an Android app using the Model-View-ViewModel presentation arc... more
Flutter & Dart
Supabase with Flutter
Learn how to create a cloud based database and authentication application using Supabase. This is an easy ... more