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All Tutorials · Collection · 120 Results

Video Course Intermediate
Flutter & Dart New
Your First Flutter Flame Game
Creating a game can be a really complex endeavor, especially when you want to support multiple platforms. ... more
Flutter & Dart
Testing in Flutter
Testing is one of the important aspect in app development. Testing helps to find and fix bugs, increasing ... more
iOS & Swift
iOS Concurrency with GCD & Operations
Learn how to add concurrency to your apps! Keep your app’s UI responsive to give your users a great user e... more
Android & Kotlin
Jetpack Compose: Getting Started
In this Jetpack Compose Course, you’ll learn what Compose is, what its fundamental components are, and how... more
Android & Kotlin
Deploying Android Apps Using GitHub Actions
Learn how to automate the process of generating signed builds, and releasing them to Firebase App Distribu... more
Flutter & Dart
Flutter Hero Animations
Create impressive hero animations using the Hero Widget in Flutter when transitioning from one screen to a... more
Flutter & Dart
Flutter Desktop Apps: Getting Started
Learn how to create a Flutter Desktop App for both the Macintosh and Windows platforms. Create application... more
Android & Kotlin
Testing Legacy Apps on Android
In this course you are going to learn how to apply the test-driven development practices your learned in “... more
iOS & Swift
watchOS: Complications
Learn how to develop one of the most compelling and useful features of the Apple Watch: Complications.
Android & Kotlin
Test-Driven Development in Android
In this course, you are going to learn how to create scalable and maintainable apps by applying several te... more
Flutter & Dart
How to Create a 2D Snake Game in Flutter
Learn how to build a 2D Snake game in Flutter for both Android and iOS platforms. You will learn how to us... more
Android & Kotlin
Wrangling Dates & Time in Android
In this course, gain a deep understanding of how the Data-Time Library works & learn to manage the ess... more
Server-Side Swift
Server-Side Sign in with Apple
You may know how to set up Sign in with Apple in an iOS project, but most tutorials don’t actually cover w... more
Android & Kotlin
Lifecycle-Aware Components in Android
Learn about lifecycle-aware components including what they are, how they work & how to create your own... more
iOS & Swift
Modern Concurrency: Beyond the Basics
Build on your knowledge of async/await, tasks and asynchronous sequences to use concurrent tasks in safe, ... more
iOS & Swift
Modern Concurrency: Getting Started
Learn how to use Swift’s new native model for writing safe, efficient concurrent code. Create safe, perfor... more
Flutter & Dart
Managing State in Flutter
State management is a key aspect of working with Flutter. There are lots of different solutions with lots ... more
iOS & Swift
Advanced Networking with URLSession
Dive deeper into URLSession. Learn how to upload data and how to perform background downloads. Work with s... more
iOS & Swift
Beginning Networking with URLSession
Learn how to use URLSession, Apple’s networking API, including how to download data, show download progres... more
Android & Kotlin
MVVM on Android
In this course, you will learn how to build an Android app using the Model-View-ViewModel presentation arc... more
Flutter & Dart
Supabase with Flutter
Learn how to create a cloud based database and authentication application using Supabase. This is an easy ... more
Multiple Domains
Building with Bazel
Bazel is an open source build system created by Google for compiling large complex codebases. This courses... more
iOS & Swift
In-App Purchases
Updated for 2022! In-App Purchase offers additional revenue streams for developers other than the initial ... more
Multiple Domains
Units & Measurement in iOS
Learn how to model units of physical quantities with Measurements and Units from Foundation for safer conv... more