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Server-Side Swift · 16 Results

Server-Side Swift How-tos
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DocC Tutorial for Swift: Automating Publishing With GitHub Actions
Learn how to automate export a Docc archive file using GitHub Actions, and publish it on the internet using G... more
Server-Side Swift
Developing and Testing Server-Side Swift with Docker and Vapor
Use Docker to develop and test your Vapor apps and learn to use Docker Compose to run different services, whi... more
Server-Side Swift
Supporting REST and HTML with a gRPC Microservice
Any microservice can become a gRPC microservice. gRPC and protobuf work together to bring more structure to b... more
Server-Side Swift
Sign in with Apple Using Vapor 4
In this Vapor 4 tutorial, you’ll learn how to implement Sign in with Apple with an iOS companion app and a si... more
Server-Side Swift
Sending Push Notifications With Vapor
Adding push notifications to your app enriches the user experience by delivering data to their devices when i... more
Server-Side Swift
Deploying Server-Side Swift Apps With Docker on Heroku
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to deploy server-side applications developed in Vapor as well as Docker im... more
Server-Side Swift
How to Think in Server-Side Swift
Server-side Swift opens exciting new worlds to Swift developers and best of breed frameworks like Kitura and ... more
Server-Side Swift
Database Migrations with Vapor
In this Server-Side Swift tutorial, see how to perform various migrations on your Vapor application database,... more
Server-Side Swift
File Handling Tutorial for Server-Side Swift Part 1
In this two-part file handling tutorial, we’ll take a close look at Server-side Swift file handling and distr... more
Server-Side Swift
Vapor and Job Queues: Getting Started
Using Vapor’s Redis and Queues libraries, learn how to configure, dispatch, and process various jobs in a que... more
Server-Side Swift
Sharing Swift Code Between iOS and Server Applications
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how share code between iOS and server applications.
Server-Side Swift
Deploying Kitura with Docker & Kubernetes: Getting Started
Kitura servers built in Swift are pretty cool, but it’s even cooler to deploy them in the cloud! See how to ... more
Server-Side Swift
Getting Started With HTTP Middleware in Kitura
Middleware is a popular way to to handle incoming server-side requests and outgoing responses. In this tutori... more
Server-Side Swift
SMS User Authentication With Vapor and AWS
In this SMS user authentication tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Vapor and AWS SNS to authenticate your user... more
Server-Side Swift
Server-Side Swift: Testing on Linux
In this tutorial, you’ll test your server-side Swift apps on Linux, learning the differences between testing ... more
Server-Side Swift
Server-Side Sign in with Apple
You may know how to set up Sign in with Apple in an iOS project, but most tutorials don’t actually cover w... more