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Android & Kotlin · 94 Results

Android & Kotlin Core Concepts
Android & Kotlin
Gradle Tutorial for Android: Getting Started – Part 2
In this Gradle Build Script tutorial, you’ll learn build types, product flavors, build variants, and how to a... more
Android & Kotlin
Gradle Tutorial for Android: Getting Started – Part 1
In this Gradle Build Script tutorial, you’ll learn the basic syntax in build.gradle files generated by Androi... more
Android & Kotlin
Jetpack Compose Tutorial for Android: Getting Started
In this Jetpack Compose tutorial, you’ll learn to use the new declarative UI framework being developed by the... more
Android & Kotlin
Object-Oriented Programming Best Practices with Kotlin
Learn how to write better code following Object Oriented Programming Best Practices with Kotlin and SOLID pri... more
Android & Kotlin
Jetpack Compose: Getting Started
In this Jetpack Compose Course, you’ll learn what Compose is, what its fundamental components are, and how... more
Android & Kotlin
Jetpack Compose for Wear OS
Learn about Jetpack Compose for Wear OS by building a dedicated app to manage breath-holding times, including... more
Android & Kotlin
Nearby Connections for Android: Getting Started
Learn how to exchange data between two Android devices in an offline peer-to-peer fashion using the Nearby Co... more
Android & Kotlin
Wrangling Dates & Time in Android
In this course, gain a deep understanding of how the Data-Time Library works & learn to manage the ess... more
Android & Kotlin
Lifecycle-Aware Components in Android
Learn about lifecycle-aware components including what they are, how they work & how to create your own... more
Android & Kotlin
Gestures in Jetpack Compose: Getting Started
Learn how to implement different gestures in Jetpack Compose and provide your app an intuitive user experience.
Android & Kotlin
App Shortcuts: Getting Started
Learn how to implement App Shortcuts in your Android app to make it more engaging for your users.
Android & Kotlin
Android Background Processing
Learn about all the cool concepts from background processing in Android! Use the WorkManager, JobScheduler... more
Android & Kotlin
Triggering Alarms Tutorial for Android: Getting Started
Learn how to set up alarms in your Android apps using the AlarmManager API, and find out about the exact and ... more
Android & Kotlin
Android Networking: Beyond the Basics
Implement advanced concepts in the Retrofit library in Android, and add interceptors and parsers. Learn ho... more
Android & Kotlin
Kotlin and Spring Boot: Hypermedia Driven Web Service
Learn about HATEOAS, build a state machine to model an article review workflow, use Spring-HATEOAS and see ho... more
Android & Kotlin
Android Networking: Fundamentals
Learn about the the HTTP, JSON, REST and all the other cool and important abbreviations in the world of ne... more
Android & Kotlin
Lazy Layouts in Jetpack Compose
Learn how to use Lazy Composables in Jetpack Compose to simply display data in your app.
Android & Kotlin
Kotlin Serialization
Learn what Kotlin Serialization library is and how to use it in your Android app. Also learn how it differ... more
Android & Kotlin
Lifecycle of Composables in Jetpack Compose
Learn about the lifecycle of a composable function and also find out how to use recomposition to build reacti... more
Android & Kotlin
Surviving Configuration Changes in Android
Learn how to survive configuration changes by handling your activities or fragment recreation the right way u... more
Android & Kotlin
Interoperability with Jetpack Compose
Learn how to use Compose Interoperability in your Android app.
Android & Kotlin
Splash Screen Tutorial for Android
Learn how to implement splash screen in new and existing Android apps, using the SplashScreen API introduced ... more
Android & Kotlin
Material You in Jetpack Compose
Learn how to use the amazing features that come with the new Material Design 3 to create better-looking apps ... more
Android & Kotlin
Kotlin Sequences: Getting Started
In this Kotlin Sequences tutorial, you’ll learn what a sequence is, its operators and when you should conside... more