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Functional Programming in Kotlin by Tutorials

First Edition · Android 12 · Kotlin 1.6 · IntelliJ IDEA 2022

Section I: Functional Programming Fundamentals

Section 1: 8 chapters
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Section 4: 13 chapters
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20. Conclusion
Written by Massimo Carli

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Congratulations! You’ve sure come a long way from the beginning of this book. You started with learning some of the very basic fundamentals of functional programming, all the way to discovering how to build on those fundamentals to manage state changes and error handling safely in your real-world applications. That’s no small feat!

You stuck it out through some intense chapters. Maybe you read them and reread them. Or maybe you still feel you need to read them again — that’s completely expected, by the way. These chapters each build on each other, so concepts you learned later in the book will help you when you return to earlier chapters. It’s almost like a Choose Your Own Adventure book.

We hope you’re inspired to use these functional programming concepts in your own application, be it as small as encouraging more pure functions or a complete functional programming overhaul. We promise that the more you use functional programming, the more you’ll reap the benefits.

Toward the end of this book, you got a taste of how Kotlin coroutines can work with your functional code. To continue learning about coroutines, we recommend reading Kotlin Coroutines by Tutorials. While not strictly related, if you enjoyed this topic, you might also enjoy learning about the reactive programming paradigm in Reactive Programming with Kotlin.

If you have any questions or comments as you work through this book, please stop by our forums at and look for the particular forum category for this book.

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– The Functional Programming in Kotlin by Tutorials team

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