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Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift

Fourth Edition · iOS 15 · Swift 5.5 · Xcode 13

21. Binary Search Challenges
Written by Kelvin Lau

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Challenge 1: Binary search as a free function

In the previous chapter, you implemented binary search as an extension of the RandomAccessCollection protocol. Since binary search only works on sorted collections, exposing the function as part of RandomAccessCollection will have a chance of misuse.

Your challenge is to implement binary search as a free function.

Challenge 2: Searching for a range

Write a function that searches a sorted array and finds the range of indices for a particular element. For example:

let array = [1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5]
findIndices(of: 3, in: array) 


Solution to Challenge 1

In this challenge, you’ll implement binary search as a free function. Here’s what the function looks like:

func binarySearch<Elements: RandomAccessCollection>(
  for element: Elements.Element,
  in collection: Elements,
  in range: Range<Elements.Index>? = nil) -> Elements.Index?
  where Elements.Element: Comparable {

  let range = range ?? collection.startIndex..<collection.endIndex
  guard range.lowerBound < range.upperBound else {
    return nil
  let size = collection.distance(from: range.lowerBound,
                                 to: range.upperBound)
  let middle = collection.index(range.lowerBound, offsetBy: size / 2)
  if collection[middle] == element {
    return middle
  } else if collection[middle] > element {
    return binarySearch(for: element, in: collection, in: range.lowerBound..<middle)
  } else {
    return binarySearch(for: element,
                        in: collection,
                        in: collection.index(after: middle)..<range.upperBound)

Solution to Challenge 2

An unoptimized but elegant solution is quite simple:

func findIndices(of value: Int, in array: [Int]) -> Range<Int>? {
  guard let leftIndex = array.firstIndex(of: value) else {
    return nil
  guard let rightIndex = array.lastIndex(of: value) else {
    return nil
  return leftIndex..<rightIndex
func findIndices(of value: Int,
                 in array: [Int]) -> CountableRange<Int>? {
  guard let startIndex = startIndex(of: value,
                                    in: array,
                                    range: 0..<array.count) else {
    return nil
  guard let endIndex = endIndex(of: value,
                                in: array,
                                range: 0..<array.count) else {
    return nil
  return startIndex..<endIndex

func startIndex(of value: Int,
                in array: [Int],
                range: CountableRange<Int>) -> Int {
  // more to come

func endIndex(of value: Int,
              in array: [Int],
              range: CountableRange<Int>) -> Int {
  // more to come
func startIndex(of value: Int,
                in array: [Int],
                range: CountableRange<Int>) -> Int? {
  // 1
  let middleIndex = range.lowerBound +
                    (range.upperBound - range.lowerBound) / 2

  // 2
  if middleIndex == 0 || middleIndex == array.count - 1 {
    if array[middleIndex] == value {
      return middleIndex
    } else {
      return nil

  // 3
  if array[middleIndex] == value {
    if array[middleIndex - 1] != value {
      return middleIndex
    } else {
      return startIndex(of: value,
                        in: array,
                        range: range.lowerBound..<middleIndex)
  } else if value < array[middleIndex]  {
    return startIndex(of: value,
                      in: array,
                      range: range.lowerBound..<middleIndex)
  } else {
    return startIndex(of: value,
                      in: array,
                      range: middleIndex..<range.upperBound)
func endIndex(of value: Int,
              in array: [Int],
              range: CountableRange<Int>) -> Int? {
  let middleIndex = range.lowerBound +
                    (range.upperBound - range.lowerBound) / 2

  if middleIndex == 0 || middleIndex == array.count - 1 {
    if array[middleIndex] == value {
      return middleIndex + 1
    } else {
      return nil

  if array[middleIndex] == value {
    if array[middleIndex + 1] != value {
      return middleIndex + 1
    } else {
      return endIndex(of: value,
                      in: array,
                      range: middleIndex..<range.upperBound)
  } else if value < array[middleIndex]  {
    return endIndex(of: value,
                    in: array,
                    range: range.lowerBound..<middleIndex)
  } else {
    return endIndex(of: value,
                    in: array,
                    range: middleIndex..<range.upperBound)
let array = [1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5]
if let indices = findIndices(of: 3, in: array) {
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