iOS Animations by Tutorials Updated for Swift 4.2 and iOS 12

iOS Animations by Tutorials is now fully up-to-date for iOS 12 and Swift 4.2! Read on to see what’s inside, and how to take advantage of the launch discount! By Chris Belanger.

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Happy Wednesday – it’s another iOS 12 Launch Party book release!

It’s hard to believe that we’re already on the Fifth Edition of our classic book iOS Animations by Tutorials — fully updated for Swift 4.2, iOS 12 and Xcode 10.

iOS Animations by Tutorials teaches you everything you need to know to create delightful animations in your iOS apps and create fun and engaging user experiences.

This will be a free update for existing iOS Animations by Tutorials digital edition customers — our way to say “thanks” to our readers for their support.

Don’t own iOS Animations by Tutorials yet? Read on to see how you can get a copy!

What Is iOS Animations by Tutorials?

This book is for iOS developers who already know the basics of iOS and Swift, and who want to dive deep into animations.

iOS Animations by Tutorials is 27 chapters and 439 pages — and covers an amazing range of animation techniques.

Here’s a quick look at what’s inside iOS Animations by Tutorials:





  • Chapter 1, Getting Started with View Animations: You’ll learn how to move, scale and fade views. You’ll create a number of different animations to get comfortable with Swift and the basic UIKit APIs.
  • Chapter 2, Springs: You’ll build on the concepts of linear animation and create more eye-catching effects using spring-driven animations. Boiiing! :]
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  • Chapter 3, Transitions: You’ll learn about several class methods in UIKit that help you animate views in or out of the screen. These one-line API calls make transition effects easy to achieve.
  • Chapter 4, View Animations in Practice: This chapter teaches you how to combine techniques you’ve already learned in creative ways to build up even cooler animations.
  • Chapter 5, Keyframe Animations: You’ll use keyframe animations to unlock the ultimate achievement of an impressive UI: creating elaborate animation sequences built from a number of distinct stages.
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  • Chapter 6, Introduction to Auto Layout: This is a crash course on Auto Layout in case you’re not familiar with it already; you’ll need this for the next chapter.
  • Chapter 7, Animating Constraints: Once you’ve worked through the project in Chapter 6, you’ll add a number of animations to it and put your newfound knowledge to good use.
  • Chapter 8, Getting Started with Layer Animations: You’ll start with the simplest layer animations, but also learn about debugging animations gone wrong.
  • Chapter 9, Animation Keys and Delegates: Here, you gain more control over the currently running animations and use delegate methods to react to animation events.
  • Chapter 10, Groups and Advanced Timing: In this chapter, you combine a number of simple animations and run them together as a group.
  • Chapter 11, Layer Springs: Take a tour of the CASpringAnimation class, which allows you to easily create layer spring animations.
  • Chapter 12, Keyframe Animations: Here, you’ll learn about layer keyframe animations, which are powerful and slightly different than view keyframe animations.
  • Chapter 13, Shapes and Masks: Draw shapes on the screen via CAShapeLayer and animate its special path property.
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  • Chapter 14, Gradient Animations: Learn how to use CAGradientLayer to help you draw and animate gradients.
  • Chapter 15, Stroke and Path Animations: Here, you will draw shapes interactively and work with some powerful features of keyframe animations.
  • Chapter 16, Replicating Animations: Learn about the little known but powerful CAReplicatorLayer class.
  • Chapter 17, Custom Presentation Controller & Device Orientation Animations: Learn how to present view controllers via custom animated transitions.
  • Chapter 18, UINavigationController Custom Transition Animations: You’ll build upon your skills with presenting view controllers and develop a really neat reveal transition for a navigation controller app.
  • Chapter 19, Interactive UINavigationController Transitions: Learn how to make the reveal transition interactive: The user will be able to scrub back and forth through the animated transition!
  • Chapter 20, Getting Started with UIViewPropertyAnimator: Learn how to create basic view animations and keyframe animations. You’ll look into using custom timing that goes beyond the built-in easing curves.
  • Chapter 21, Intermediate Animations with UIViewPropertyAnimator: In this chapter, you are going to learn about using animators with Auto Layout. Further, you will learn how to reverse animations or make additive animations for smoother changes along the way.
  • Chapter 22, Interactive Animations with UIViewPropertyAnimator: Learn how to drive your animations interactively based on the user’s input. For extra fun, you’ll look into both basic and keyframe animations interactivity.
  • Chapter 23, UIViewPropertyAnimator View Controller Transitions: Create custom View Controller transitions using a UIViewPropertyAnimator to drive the transition animations. You will create both static and interactive transitions.
  • Chapter 24, Simple 3D Animations: Learn how to set up your layers in 3D space, how to choose the distance from the camera to your layer, and how to create animations in your 3D scene.
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  • Chapter 25, Intermediate 3D Animations: Go further into 3D space and learn about some of the more advanced ways to create 3D Animations.
  • Chapter 26, Particle Emitters: Learn how to use UIKit’s built-in particle emitters to create a fun snowfall effect.
  • Chapter 27, Frame Animations with UIImageView: Learn how to sequence multiple images together into a flipbook-style animation.

About the Author

Of course, our book would be nothing without our animated author and long-time team member, Marin:

Marin Todorov is one of the founding members of the tutorial team. He is an independent iOS consultant and publisher, and also has a background in web and desktop development. Besides crafting code, Marin also enjoys blogging, writing books and speaking at conferences. He happily open sources code.

Also Available: the iOS 12 Launch Bundle

So many of you have asked for a book bundle to go with the iOS 12 update season, and we’re happy to announce the release of the iOS 12 Launch Party Bundle!

This three-book bundle contains our newest iOS 12 books:

This bundle is on sale for only $99.99 — that’s a savings of 33%! But don’t wait, since this bundle won’t be available forever.

Enter the iOS 12 Launch Party Giveaway

Speaking of sweet deals, be sure to check out the great prizes we’re giving away this year with the iOS 12 Launch Party, including over $9,000 in giveaways!

To be eligible for for this epic iOS 12 giveaway, all you have to do is leave a comment on the original launch post, letting us know which book or course is your favorite on this list — or which upcoming book or course you’re most excited about!

Chris Belanger


Chris Belanger


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