RWDevCon 2017: Time to Vote!

Cast your vote for what tutorials we cover for RWDevCon 2017! By Ray Wenderlich.

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RWDevCon 2017: Time to Vote!

1 min

At RWDevCon, we make tutorials based on what the attendees vote for. That way, we cover what you want to learn about!

Last week, we put out a call for suggestions for what tutorials. Huge thanks to all of the attendees who submitted your ideas!

Here are a few of the ideas that folks submitted:

  • Complex Auto Layout
  • Continuous Integration
  • Idiomatic Swift
  • Machine Learning
  • Message Apps
  • Mobile Back-End As a Service Options Compared
  • Swift & Parallel Computing
  • Swift Package Manager
  • rxSwift
  • …and over 50 other ideas!

Today, we are moving on to the next phase, where attendees get to vote on these suggestions, to help choose what tutorials we make for the conference.

Here’s how you can cast your vote:

  • If you bought a RWDevCon 2017 ticket, check your email: I sent you a link with the vote.
  • If you don’t have a RWDevCon 2017 ticket yet, now’s the time! If you grab your ticket today I’ll send you a link to the vote.

We can’t wait to see what topics we cover this year!