New SwiftUI, Combine, and Catalyst Books: 11 Chapters Now Available!
We are releasing even more chapters from our three brand new iOS books on SwiftUI, Catalyst and Combine. Plus, the reveal of the new cover art! By Tiffani Randolph.
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New SwiftUI, Combine, and Catalyst Books: 11 Chapters Now Available!
5 mins
We’re continuing to make great progress on our Advanced Summer iOS Books and we’re still on track for the full release this fall. But, as always, we’re too excited to make you wait that long. :]
Which is why we are so thrilled to let you know that we have 11 SwiftUI, Catalyst and Combine chapters available now!
And best yet, you can still get the 40% off preorder discount of all 3 books for just $99.
Keep reading to learn about the 11 chapters that are available now in early access.
1) SwiftUI by Tutorials: 3 Chapters Now Available!
SwiftUI by Tutorials is designed to help you learn how to transition from the “old way” of building your app UI with UIKit to the “new way” of building responsive UI with modern declarative syntax with SwiftUI.
This book is for readers who are comfortable building Swift apps, and want to make the exciting leap into building their app UI with modern, declarative code.
This early access release includes 3 chapters:
- Chapter 2: Getting Started with SwiftUI: In this chapter, you’ll work through a quick exercise to familiarize yourself with some of the new SwiftUI tools and concepts, like Canvas, Views and Previews.
- Chapter 3: Understanding SwiftUI [NEW]: This chapter presents an overview of SwiftUI features that can help you develop great apps faster. You’ll learn about declarative UI and declarative data dependencies, and create an ObservableObject from good old Foundation Timer.
- Chapter 13: Animations [NEW]: In this chapter, you will learn how to use animations and view transitions in your app.
This is the second early access release for the book — and we’re excited to bring you the full book later this fall.
You can learn more about SwiftUI by Tutorials here.
2) Combine: Asynchronous Programming with Swift: 5 Chapters Now Available!
Third-party reactive frameworks including RxSwift and ReactiveSwift have been revolutionizing how apps are built. With Apple’s introduction of the Combine framework, it is now possible to apply these same declarative and reactive programming techniques without third-party library dependencies — it’s a real game-changer!
This book is for people who have experience with Swift. Knowledge of other reactive programming libraries may be useful but is not necessary, because the book will cover everything from the ground up.
This early access release includes 5 chapters:
- Chapter 1: Hello Combine [NEW]: A gentle introduction to what kind of problems Combine solves, a back story of the roots of reactive programming on Apple’s platforms, and a crash course into the basic moving pieces of the framework.
- Chapter 2: Publishers & Subscribers: The essence of Combine is that publishers send values to subscribers. In this chapter you’ll learn all about what that means and how to work with publishers and subscribers, and manage the subscriptions that are created between the two of them.
- Chapter 3: Transforming Operators [NEW]: Before a subscriber receives values from a publisher, you’ll often want to manipulate those values in some way. One of the most common things you’ll want to do is transform those values into some form that is ideal for use by the subscriber. By the end of this chapter, you’ll be transforming all the things.
- Chapter 4: Filtering Operators [NEW]: In this chapter, you’ll learn about filtering elements from Combine publishers, so you can easily control the values published by the upstream and only deal with the ones you care about.
- Chapter 5: Combining Operators [NEW]: Publishers are extremely powerful, but they’re even more powerful when composed together! This chapter will teach you about Combine’s combining operators which let you take multiple streams and create meaningful logical relationships between them.
Again this is just an early access release; the full book will have much more.
You can learn more about Combine: Asynchronous Programming with Swift here.
3) Catalyst by Tutorials: 3 Chapters Now Available!
Catalyst by Tutorials shows you how to take all of those great apps you’ve build on iOS and run them right on macOS. But like everything else with Apple, it’s not always as straightforward as you’d like it to be.
This book will show you how to design your apps to work well on macOS, what you can and can’t port between the two platforms, and any other “gotchas” to keep an eye out for when building apps under Catalyst.
This book is for developers who have a good handle on building iOS apps and want to learn how to port those apps to run on macOS as well.
This early access release includes three chapters:
- Chapter 1: The Checkbox: In this chapter, you’re going to get your first look at the sample app that you’ll be interacting with for the remainder of this book. Once you familiarize yourself with the basic functionality and architecture, you’ll take your first steps toward bringing the app to macOS.
- Chapter 2: Migrating to Split View Controller [NEW]: Here, learn why you should use Split View Controller and gain Instruction on how to migrate from iPhone-style Navigation Controller with master/detail push to Split View Controller.
- Chapter 3: Drag & Drop [NEW]: In this chapter, you’ll learn how to add support for dragging photos from other apps and dropping them into your app. You’ll also learn how to implement drag and drop for collection views with smooth animations and cell reordering.
These are just three of the chapters that will be in the final book, coming this fall.
You can learn more about Catalyst by Tutorials here.
Where to Go From Here?
Here’s how to get these chapters:
- If you already preordered the books, you can download them now – and stay tuned for the next EA release in a few weeks!
- If you didn’t preorder yet, consider ordering your copies now! The books are on currently on sale; you can get all 3 for just $99.
This sale is only available for a limited time, so be sure to grab it before it’s gone.
We hope you enjoy these new chapters, and stay tuned for the full releases this fall!