Next April, we are running an iOS conference focused on high quality hands-on tutorials called RWDevCon 2018.
One of the unique things about RWDevCon is it’s coordinated as a team.
That means we can do some cool things, like let you decide the content of the conference. Here’s how it works:
Send your suggestions. First we’ll send an email to everyone who’s bought a ticket, asking for ideas for tutorials. For example, you might suggest a tutorial on ARKit, CoreML, or Metal.
Vote your favorites. We’ll put the most common suggestions on a survey, and you can vote on which you’d like in the conference.
Enjoy your top picks. Based on the results, we’ll be sure to cover everyone’s top picks, and match speakers to topics based on experience. w00t!
There’s no other conference like this – RWDevCon is truly a conference where you decide what’s inside.
This process is starting next week, so if you’d like to be a part of the decision making process, grab your ticket now.
We can’t wait to see what you choose this year! :]