Flutter Desktop Apps: Getting Started

Mar 28 2023 · Dart 2.19, Flutter 3.7, Android Studio 2021.3.1 or higher, Visual Studo Code 1.7.4 or higher

Part 1: Flutter Desktop Apps

05. Create System Menus

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Todo App - Show menus

On the Mac and windows, each application has a menu system while on mobile there isn’t one. Flutter has built in support for menus on the Mac but not Windows. To help with that you will turn to another plugin to build out a menu system.


Start XCode and choose open. navigate to your project’s macos folder and choose open. Open up runner -> Resources -> MainMenu.xib. Expand the Main Menu item. Below, you will see the edit, view and window menus. If you expand the edit menu and then menu, you will see a lot of menu items. Take a look at the view and window menus. All of these are not necessary and we want to build our menus in Flutter. So let’s get rid of them. Select the Edit menu and hit the delete key. Do the same for the view and window menus. Close Xcode.

Android Studio

Now stop and run the app again. Those menus are now gone.

    url: https://github.com/google/flutter-desktop-embedding
    path: plugins/menubar
    ref: 12decbe0f592e14e03223f6f2c0c7e0e2dbd70a1