Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints Tutorial
In this Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Blueprints to create a player character, set up inputs and make an item disappear when the player touches it. By Ricardo Santos.
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Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints Tutorial
25 mins
- Getting Started
- Creating the Player
- Attaching a Camera
- Representing the Player
- Implementing the Player
- Creating a Game Mode
- World Settings
- Placing the Player Start
- Setting Up Inputs
- Axis Value and Input Scale
- Axis and Action Mappings
- Creating Movement Mappings
- Moving the Player
- Using Variables
- Getting the Player Direction
- Adding the Offset
- Frame Rate Independence
- Actor Collisions
- Enabling Collision
- Creating an Item
- Setting the Collision Response
- Handling Collision
- Placing the Item
- Where to Go From Here?
Getting the Player Direction
To move forward, you need to know where the Pawn is facing. Luckily, Unreal has a node for that purpose. Add a Get Actor Forward Vector node.
Next, add an Add Movement Input node. This node will take a direction and value and convert it to a stored offset. Connect the nodes like so:
The white line represents a chain of execution. In other words, when the player moves the input axis, an event will generate that will execute the InputAxis MoveForward node. The white line represents that once this happens, you’ll execute the Add Movement Input node.
The Add Movement Input node takes the following inputs:
- Target: Set to self, which in this case is the player (the red cube).
- World Direction: The direction to move the target, which in this case is the direction the player is facing.
- Scale Value: How much to move the player, which in this case is the max speed * the axis value (which, remember, is a value in the range of -1 to 1).
Repeat the process for MoveRight but replace Get Actor Forward Vector with Get Actor Right Vector. See how much you can do without reviewing the instructions above!
Adding the Offset
To move the Pawn, you need to get the offset calculated by Add Movement Input and add it to the Pawn’s location.
Your strategy will be to move the player a small amount each frame of your game, so you’ll need to add the movement to an Event Tick event, which is generated every frame.
Navigate to the Event Tick node in your Event Graph. It should be grayed out to the left, but create one if you don’t have it.
To get the offset, create a Consume Movement Input Vector node. To add the offset, create an AddActorLocalOffset node. Afterward, link them like so:
This means that for each frame of the game, you’ll get any stored movement input and add it to the actor’s current location.
Click Compile and go back to the main editor and click Play. You’ll now be able to move around! If you find there’s no response to pressing the keys, make sure the cursor is inside the game window and click to select it.
There’s one small problem: High-end machines can render frames more quickly. Because Event Tick is called every frame, the movement nodes will execute more often. This results in the Pawn moving faster on high-end machines and vice versa.
To fix this, your movement needs to be frame rate independent.
Frame Rate Independence
Frame rate independence means everything will have the same result, regardless of frame rate. Thankfully, achieving frame rate independence in Unreal is easy.
Exit the game and open up BP_Player. Next, navigate to your Event Tick node and take a look at Delta Seconds.
Delta Seconds is the amount of time elapsed since the last Event Tick. By multiplying your offset with Delta Seconds, you make your movement frame rate independent.
For example, your Pawn has a maximum speed of 100. If one second had passed since the last Event Tick, your Pawn would move the full 100 units. If half a second had passed, it would move 50 units.
If the movement is frame rate dependent, the Pawn will move 100 units every frame, regardless of the time between frames.
To multiply your offset with Delta Seconds, add a multiplication node by right-clicking and searching for * in the dialog, as shown in the figure below. Notice the connectors initially are grayed out because UE5 does not know what you would like to multiply, and as you assign values, the connectors assume the input data’s color.
The final result should look like this:
Because the time between frames (Delta Seconds) is very small, your Pawn will move much slower. Fix this by changing the default value of MaxSpeed to 600.
Congratulations, you have achieved frame rate independence!
You might have noticed the cube passes right through everything. To fix that, you need to learn about collisions.
Strap on your safety helmet because you’re about to have a head-on collision with some theory!
Actor Collisions
When you think of a collision, you probably think of cars crashing into each other. Luckily, collisions in Unreal are much safer.
To collide, an actor needs a representation of its collidable space (usually called collision). Use one of the following:
- Collision mesh: These are auto-generated (if you enable it) when a mesh gets imported. The user can also create a custom collision mesh using 3D software. The red cube already has an auto-generated collision mesh.
- Collision component: These come in three shapes: box, capsule and sphere. Add them through the Components panel. Generally used for simple collision.
Below is an example of a character and its collision.
A collision occurs when an actor’s collision touches another actor’s collision.
Now, it’s time to enable collision.
Enabling Collision
You’re probably wondering why the cube didn’t collide, even though it has a collision mesh. When you move an actor, Unreal only considers the root component for collisions. Because your Pawn’s root component has no collision, it passes through everything.
So, to use the collision mesh, StaticMesh needs to be the root. To do this, go to the Components panel. Next, left-click and drag StaticMesh to DefaultSceneRoot. Release left-click to make StaticMesh the new root.
There’s one more thing to do before collisions will work. Switch to the Event Graph and go to the AddActorLocalOffset node. Locate the Sweep input and set it to true by left-clicking the checkbox.
Basically, AddActorLocalOffset teleports the actor to a new location. Sweep ensures the actor collides with anything between the old and new locations.
Go to the main editor and click Play. The cube will now collide with the level!
The last thing you’ll do is create an item that disappears when the player touches it.