Android Animations
You will learn how to add various animations to your apps that will make the app user experience more dynamic, fun, and effective. By Joe Howard.
Part 1: Property Animations
Find out what's covered in our Android Animations video tutorial series, from property animations to vector animations and physics-based animations.
Download the starter app and build it in Android Studio, review the existing app code, and check out some built-in animations.
See how to perform a basic property animation using ValueAnimator. You'll animate the payment methods container on the cart screen.
Switch to using an ObjectAnimator for the payment method container, in order to see the difference between ValueAnimator and ObjectAnimator.
Practice what you've learned so far to add a hide animation to the payment method container, and then see a solution.
Review some of the various interpolators available for property animations, and settle on AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator.
See how to combine multiple animators into an AnimatorSet by animating a food item image when adding the item to the cart.
Use an Animator.AnimatorListener or an AnimatorListenerAdapter to respond to various events for the animation, such as the animation end.
Take what you've learned about property animations and AnimatorSet to animate the cart icon count, and then see a solution.
Let's review what you've covered in this first part on Android Animations, and then discuss what's next.
Part 2: View, Transition, and Other Animations
We'll summarize the animations discussed in this part: view animations, activity transitions, circular reveal, and view pager transforms.
Learn about view animations and their differences from property animations. Animate food on the detail screen using a view animation.
Practice using view animations by scaling the food image and feeding the food to a hungry monster, and then see a solution.
Learn about scenes and transitions, and create an activity transition that animates the food image between activities.
Practice working with activity transitions by animating the food name between activities, and then see a solution.
See how to create a circular reveal animation by replacing the payment method container show and hide property animations with a circular reveal.
Learn about ViewPager transformers and add zoom and depth transformers to the food categories ViewPager.
Practice working with ViewPager transformers by updating the depth transformer to switch the direction of the depth animation, and then see a solution.
Let's review what you learned about the various types of common interactions discussed in this part of the course, and then discuss what's next.
Part 3: Animated Vector Drawables
Learn about the objectives of this part, which are to understand how to animate vector drawables and to work with the Lottie animation library from AirBnB.
Learn about the inner working of vector drawables on Android, as preparation for understanding how to animate them.
Use some predefined morphing animations to morph a plus sign to a checkmark and back when adding food to the cart on the detail screen.
Practice working with animated vector drawables by adding the plus to checkmark animation to the items list screen, and then see a solution.
Discover how to work with the Lottie animation library from AirBnB, and animate an image that marks your favorite foods.
Let's review what you learned about using animated vector drawables and Lottie, and then discuss what's next.
Part 4: Physics-based Animations
Learn about the objectives of this part, which is to work with physics-based animations provided in the Android dynamic animation support library.
Add the dynamic animation support library to the project and see how to add a spring animation to a donut image on the checkout screen.
Practice working with spring animations by adding vertical spring animations to the donut, then see a solution.
Use an ObjectAnimator to animate a block at the top of the screen, then use a fling animation to fling a donut at the block to try to win free donuts!
Practice working with fling animations by adding a cookie fling animation to try to win free cookies, then see a solution.
In this final episode, we'll summarize this final part and the whole course, and then see an overview of Android Animation topics that were not covered.