Beginning C#

Learn the basics of C# in the context of Unity in this FREE comprehensive screencast series. By Brian Moakley.

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Learn the basics of writing C# for Unity in this new FREE screencast series.

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In this first episode, you'll create your first C# script and print a message to the console.

Variables 11:51
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Learn the basics of working with variables in C#. Also, you'll learn how to expose the variables so you can update them in the Unity editor.

Types 16:32
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In this next episode, you'll learn some of the various types available to you in C#.

Operators 12:44
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In this episode, you'll learn about some of the common C# operators and how to use them.

Arrays 10:43
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In this episode, you'll learn about arrays and how to use them in C#.

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In this episode, you'll review what you've already learned and get an overview of the next few episodes which cover control flow.

Conditionals 14:53
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In this episode, you'll learn how to make choices based on your data through the use of conditionals, otherwise known as if statements.

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In this episode, you'll learn about the ternary operator as well as be introduced to nullable types.

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In this episode, you'll learn about scope and what it means when working with variables.

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This video covers the usage of the switch statement in C#.

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In this episode, you'll learn how to use to constants and enumerations in your code to make it safer and easier to understand.

For Loops 13:20
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In this episode, you'll be introduced to your first loop, learn how to use it, and see why it's so powerful when combined with arrays.

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In this episode, you'll learn about the foreach loop which is a great loop to use with collections.

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In this video, you'll learn the syntax of While loop and the Do-While loop.

In this episode, you'll review what was covered in the past section, and get an overview of the object orientated programming section.

Structs 18:02
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In this video, you learn your first object type, the struct. This enables you to group data and pass it around in your code.

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In this episode, you'll learn about access modifiers and keep your objects unique through the use of namespaces.

Methods 18:06
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In this video, you'll learn how to create methods and call them in your code.

Properties 14:38
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In this episode, you'll learn how C# properties can save you time from writing getters and setters and how to customize them.

Constructors 18:32
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In this video, you'll learn the basics of constructors and implementing them on structs.

In this episode, we review everything that was covered in the previous section, and then provide a roadmap of next section which covers class based objects.

Classes 17:45
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In this episode, we review everything that was covered in the previous section, and then provide a roadmap of next section which covers class based objects.

Inheritance 10:04
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In this video, you'll learn the basics of inheritance when working with classes objects in C#.

Overriding 13:43
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In this video, you'll learn what it means to override methods and how to override methods in your child classes.

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In this video, you'll learn about abstract classes in C# and have your first introduction with polymorphism.

Overloading 13:04
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In this video, you'll learn how to create the same methods but with different parameters.

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In this video, you'll learn how to define class constructors and how inheritance plays a role in your constructors.

Interfaces 15:45
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In this video, you'll learn how to create interfaces so that objects of different types can be grouped by behavior.

Polymorphism 20:41
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In this episode, you'll learn about polymorphism in C# and how that comes into play with your objects.

Conclusion 19:51
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In this final episode, you will get an overview of subjects that were not covered in this series as well as get a demo of the Unity API.