Beginner iPhone Programming Class Available!

An article introducing a beginner iPhone programming class near Baltimore, Maryland. By Ray Wenderlich.

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Beginner iPhone Programming Class Available!

2 mins

Weekend training introducing iOS programming for beginners!

Weekend training introducing iOS programming for beginners!

Weekend training introducing iOS programming for beginners!

Based on the success of the past offerings of the iOS 101 class, Shawn Grimes and I are pleased to announce that we have another offering of the class coming up in March!

This is a 2-day class for programmers interested in learning the basics of iOS development, and will be held on Saturday, March 12 and Sunday, March 13 at the BWI Holiday Inn, right next to the BWI Airport for easy travel.

If you like this blog, you’ll love the class! It’s a great way to learn how to make your own iOS apps from the ground up, through a series of lectures and fun hands-on challenges!

What Will It Cover?

The course will be covering a lot of the topics we’ve been discussing on this blog, such as:

  • A crash course in Objective-C
  • Making a very simple iPhone app – that’s actually fun!
  • How to choose the right Application template (or build from scratch!)
  • How to use the most useful UIKit controls, from buttons to sliders
  • How to respond to orientation changes
  • How to use navigation controllers
  • How to use table views – and make them look good!
  • How to save application data (the right way for the right situation!)
  • How to port your app to the iPad
  • Using UISplitViewController and UIPopoverController
  • And much more!

This course is tailored for beginners to iOS development, or for intermediate developers who would like a refresher on their foundational knowledge. It will be focusing on beginner UIKit topics only – not game programming or advanced topics.

What Do I Need To Bring?

Bring your Macs, iPhones, and iPads if you have them! Don’t worry if you don’t have one, you can team up with someone who does in class. A deep interest in software development or experience with C or Objective-C will be greatly beneficial to you as an attendant as well.

How Do I Sign Up?

Visit the iOS 101 EventBrite page to sign up. There’s a discount if you sign up by Feb 1, so snag it while you can!

Feel free to share the link with others you think may be interested as well. Hope to see you there! :]