Where to Go From Here?
If you’ve followed along this far, you should have a smoothly-functioning game that is very similar to Jetpack Joyride! It’s not quite complete (stay tuned for Part Four), but very close, with animations, collisions, sounds, and correct gameplay.
In case you need it, here is an example project that includes all of the code for this tutorial series up to this point.
In the fourth and final part of this tutorial series, we’ll increase the difficulty of the game by making some of the lasers rotate. But we’ll also add another point-scoring opportunity in the form of bunnies running through the level that the player can kill, and display the score as it increases.
Finally, as the crowning touch for our game, we’ll create a second scene in SpriteHelper and add it to our level as a background, so that the user will be able to look through the windows at the “outside” world.
Until then, feel free to participate in forum discussion both below and on the LevelHelper site.

This is a post by special contributor Bogdan Vladu, an iOS application developer and aspiring game developer living in Bucharest, Romania.