Print Versions Now Available: iOS 6 by Tutorials and iOS 5 by Tutorials Second Edition!

The Tutorial Team and I are very happy to announce that the print versions for iOS 6 by Tutorials and iOS 5 by Tutorials Second Edition are now available for purchase! By Ray Wenderlich.

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Print Versions Now Available: iOS 6 by Tutorials and iOS 5 by Tutorials Second Edition!

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Print Versions Now Available for iOS 5 and iOS 6 by Tutorials!

Print Versions Now Available for iOS 5 and iOS 6 by Tutorials!

Print Versions Now Available for iOS 5 and iOS 6 by Tutorials!

The Tutorial Team and I are very happy to announce that the print versions for iOS 6 by Tutorials and iOS 5 by Tutorials Second Edition are now available for purchase!

We’re really happy with how the books turned out. We printed them in the more “standard” 7.5×9.25″ book size this time – they look great and go perfectly together as a set.

And there’s even more great news – for the first time ever, we are selling these directly on our site!

This allows us to do some cool things like giving discounts for buying both the PDF and the print books, and giving existing PDF customers a way to upgrade to the print books at a discount.

Keep reading to see pictures of the books, learn about discounts for existing customers, and enter for a book giveaway!

The Books

Four huge volumes of high quality tutorials!

Four huge volumes of high quality tutorials!

Four huge volumes of high quality tutorials!

These books are huge – together they are 4 volumes and over 2,500 pages! As you can see, if you stack them up they’re even taller than an iPhone – half a foot of tasty tutorials!

We decided to make print versions of these books available because we think there are advantages to both electronic and physical books. In our opinion:

  • Electronic books are great for quick searching and reference, copying/pasting code, and for reading on iPads or another monitor while working.
  • Physical books are great for setting on your desk while following along with a tutorial, for relaxed reading on your couch, or for “thumb reference” for where you are in a book.

We want to accomodate both types of readers. So on our store page, we have two options for each product:

  • Just the PDF. Nothing’s changed here – if you prefer electronic books you can buy just the PDF same way you usually would.
  • The PDF + Print Version Bundle. This gives you the best of both worlds. It also saves you a lot of money – you’re effectively getting the printed books at a big discount compared to buying them separately.

Note we don’t offer an option for just the printed books. This is because we like to keep our books as up-to-date as we can, and we want to be able to give all our customers access to these updates (in PDF form). For example, iOS 5 by Tutorials PDF customers got the iOS 5 by Tutorials Second Edition PDF as a free upgrade!

Discount For Current PDF Customers

Tons of screenshots and illustrations.

Tons of screenshots and illustrations.

Tons of screenshots and illustrations.

If you bought the PDF version of iOS 5 by Tutorials and/or iOS 6 By Tutorials, we have good news for you – you are entitled to upgrade your purchase to the PDF + Print Version Bundle so you can also take advantage of the discount!

You can find out more details about how to get the discount in the iOS 5 by Tutorials private forum or iOS 6 by Tutorials private forum.

If you do not have access to the forums, follow the instructions on our forum signup page.

To our existing customers, thank you for purchasing the PDF version and we hope you enjoy the printed version as well! :]

The Giveaway

Level up your iOS skills!

Level up your iOS skills!

Level up your iOS skills!

Update: The giveaway contest is now over. Check out the results!

One last thing. To celebrate the launch we’re giving away two free copies the books!

Two lucky winners will win all 4 massive volumes – the 2-Volume iOS 5 by Tutorials Second Edition Print Version, and the 2-Volume iOS 6 by Tutorials Print Version.

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on this post – in 48 hours we’ll choose one winner randomly, and one winner with the highest forum post count ( team members excluded).

That’s it – we hope you all enjoy the print version of our books! If you’d like to pick up a copy just check out our store page.