raywenderlich.com iOS 11 and Swift 4 Print Books Available Now!

The print editions of our Swift 4 and iOS 11 books are now available! By Chris Belanger.

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raywenderlich.com iOS 11 and Swift 4 Print Books Available Now!

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The Swift 4 and iOS 11 print books are ready — and we’re excited!

The Swift 4 and iOS 11 print books are ready — and we’re excited!

Call us traditional, but there’s something amazing about holding a physical book in your hand that is hard to replicate with an electronic version.

It’s awesome to visually see your place within the book and have “thumb memory” of your favorite chapters — not to mention that feeling of happiness when a new print book arrives at your door!

Why Print Books Are Great

Although the PDF and ePub versions of our books are amazingly handy, and extremely portable, there are lots of great reasons to own a print copy as well:

  • You can read it anywhere, at anytime — no device or laptop needed!
  • You can easily jot notes in the margins or mark pages for future reference as you make your way through the books.
  • You can even display it proudly on your bookshelf or on your desk to show off to your family and co-workers. You can’t do that with a PDF!

A stack of iPads on a shelf would look far less impressive, don’t you think?

A stack of iPads on a shelf would look far less impressive, don’t you think?

RxSwift and Advanced Apple Debugging

Since we’ve just recently released the RxSwift and Advanced Apple Debugging & Reverse Engineering books in digital format, they’ll take a little longer to appear on Amazon – expect them in the coming weeks.

Where to Go From Here?

You can get all of these books in our new raywenderlich.com store. Each book has links to buy the digital edition directly from us, or the print version from Amazon.com.

And as a suggestion, these books would make great holiday gifts for your employees, colleagues, or students that want to boost their development skills. You can avoid the crowds at the malls, and give that special someone a book that they’ll read and use!

A huge thanks goes out to all of our book authors, editors, artists and designers who helped create an amazing set of books this year — we couldn’t be more proud of them.

Happy reading!