Today is the last day of our two-week AR/VR extravaganza! We’ve loved all of the creative, helpful and fun ways you plan to use AR and VR.
There’s just one thing left to take care of: the Oculus Rift Giveaway! Anyone who commented on the giveaway post on our site, telling us why they wanted to win a free Oculus Rift, was automatically entered into our draw.
And the Winner Is…
My school could really use this resource – we already love all of the tutorials by raywenderlich – we use a tonne of resources in our classrooms in a self-paced setting where students develop an idea and choose a tutorial provided by raywenderlich to accomplish amazing new innovatons! – This VR headset has been asked about by a few students already, however our funding doesn’t stretch that far… With one of these headsets, our students could really push the boundaries of technology, and this resource would be useful for years and years to come!
Congratulations! We’ll be in touch shortly via email to arrange delivery of your Oculus Rift.
Last Day for Discount!
Don’t forget: today is also the last day to grab the launch discount on our Starter AR & VR Bundles.
We’ve bundled all of our best iOS and Unity content to help get you up to speed with AR and VR development:

Looking for just the individual books? We’ve got Unity AR & VR by Tutorials and ARKit by Tutorials on sale for $44.99 each — that’s 25% off!
These starter bundles and the individual books are available in our online store — but don’t wait, as the the sale ends today. I’d hate for you to miss out!