Implementing Custom Subscripts in Swift

Learn how to extend your own types with subscripts, allowing you to index into them with simple syntax just like native arrays and dictionaries. By Mikael Konutgan.

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Update 2/10/16: This tutorial has been updated for Xcode 8 and Swift 3.

Update 2/10/16: This tutorial has been updated for Xcode 8 and Swift 3.

Update note: This tutorial was updated for Swift 2.2 and Xcode 7.3 by Mikael Konutgan. Original post by Tutorial Team member Evan Dekhayser.

Subscripts are a powerful language feature that, when used properly, can significantly enhance the convenience factor and readability of your code.

Like operator overloading, subscripts let you use native Swift constructs: something like checkerBoard[2][3] rather than the more verbose checkerBoard.objectAt(x: 2, y: 3).

In this tutorial, you’re going to explore subscripts by building the foundations for a basic checkers game in a playground. You’ll see how easy it is to use subscripting to move pieces around the board. When you’re done, you’ll be well on your way to building a new game to keep your fingers occupied during all of your spare time.

Oh, and you’ll know a lot more about subscripts too! :]

Note: This tutorial assumes you already know the basics of Swift development. If you are new to Swift, check out some of our beginner Swift tutorials or read the Swift Apprentice first.

Getting Started

Create a new playground and add the following code:

struct Checkerboard {
  enum Square: String {
    case empty = "▪️"
    case red = "🔴"
    case white = "⚪️"
  typealias Coordinate = (x: Int, y: Int)
  fileprivate var squares: [[Square]] = [
    [ .empty, .red,   .empty, .red,   .empty, .red,   .empty, .red   ],
    [ .red,   .empty, .red,   .empty, .red,   .empty, .red,   .empty ],
    [ .empty, .red,   .empty, .red,   .empty, .red,   .empty, .red   ],
    [ .empty, .empty, .empty, .empty, .empty, .empty, .empty, .empty ],
    [ .empty, .empty, .empty, .empty, .empty, .empty, .empty, .empty ],
    [ .white, .empty, .white, .empty, .white, .empty, .white, .empty ],
    [ .empty, .white, .empty, .white, .empty, .white, .empty, .white ],
    [ .white, .empty, .white, .empty, .white, .empty, .white, .empty ]
  subscript(coordinate: Coordinate) -> Square {
    get {
      return squares[coordinate.y][coordinate.x]
    set {
      squares[coordinate.y][coordinate.x] = newValue

extension Checkerboard: CustomStringConvertible {
  var description: String {
    return { row in { $0.rawValue }.joined(separator: "") }
        .joined(separator: "\n") + "\n"

Checkerboard contains three definitions:

  • Square represents the state of a square on the board. .empty represents an empty square while .red and .white represent the presence of a red or white piece on that square.
  • Coordinate is an alias for a tuple of two integers. You will use this type to access the squares on the board.
  • squares is the two-dimensional array that stores the state of the board.

Finally, there’s an extension to add conformance to CustomStringConvertible that lets you print a checkerboard to the console.

Open the console using View/Debug Area/Show Debug Area, then enter the following lines at the bottom of the playground:

var checkerboard = Checkerboard()

This code initializes an instance of Checkerboard then prints the description property of the CustomStringConvertible implementation to the console. The output in your console should look like this:


Getting And Setting Pieces

Looking at the console, it’s pretty easy for you to know what piece occupies a given square, but your program doesn’t have those powers yet. It can’t know which player is at a specified coordinate because the squares array is marked as private. There’s an important point to make here: the squares array is the implementation of the the board. However, the user of type Checkerboard shouldn’t know anything about the implementation of that type.

A type should shield its users from its internal implementation details; that’s why the squares array is kept private.

With that in mind, you’re going to add two methods to Checkerboard to find and set a piece at a given coordinate.

Add the following methods to Checkerboard, after the spot you assign the squares array:

func piece(at coordinate: Coordinate) -> Square {
  return squares[coordinate.y][coordinate.x]

mutating func setPiece(at coordinate: Coordinate, to newValue: Square) {
  squares[coordinate.y][coordinate.x] = newValue

Notice how the squares array is accessed – using a Coordinate tuple – rather than accessing the array directly. The actual storage mechanism of an array-of-arrays is exactly the kind of implementation detail the user should be shielded from!

Defining Subscripts

You may have noticed these methods look an awful lot like a property getter and setter combination. Maybe they should be implemented as a computed property instead? Unfortunately, that won’t work. Your methods require a coordinate parameter, and computed properties can’t have parameters. Does that mean you’re stuck with methods?

Well no – this special case is exactly what subscripts are for! :]

Look at how you define a subscript:

subscript(parameterList) -> ReturnType {
  get {
    // return someValue of ReturnType

  set (newValue) {
    // set someValue of ReturnType to newValue

Subscript definitions mix both function and computed property definition syntax:

  • The first part looks a lot like a function definition, with a parameter list and a return type. Instead of the func keyword and function name, you use the special subscript keyword.
  • The main body looks a lot like a computed property, with a getter and a setter.

This combination of function and property syntax highlights the power of subscripts: to provide a shortcut to accessing the elements of an indexed collection. You’ll learn more about that soon, but first, consider the following example.

Replace methods piece(at:) and setPiece(at:to:) with the following subscript:

subscript(coordinate: Coordinate) -> Square {
  get {
    return squares[coordinate.y][coordinate.x]
  set {
    squares[coordinate.y][coordinate.x] = newValue

The getter and setter of this subscript are implemented exactly like the methods they replace:

  • Given a Coordinate, the getter returns the square at the column and row.
  • Given a Coordinate and value, the setter accesses the square at the column and row and replaces its value.

Give your new subscript a test drive by adding the following code to the end of the playground:

let coordinate = (x: 3, y: 2)
checkerboard[coordinate] = .white

The playground will tell you the piece at (3, 2) is red. After changing it to white, the output in the console will be:


You can now find out which piece is at a given coordinate, and set it, by using checkerboard[coordinate] in both cases. A shortcut indeed!

Mikael Konutgan


Mikael Konutgan


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