Where to go From Here?
MVC is a pattern, a guideline for you to architect your app; it is not a strict set of rules you must adhere to.

As with anything that’s meant to act as a guide, you may disagree with some of the contents or implementations in this tutorial. You can do things in other ways or tweak it to fit your needs. That’s all fine. There are many ways to work with this dough that we call the model-view-controller pattern.
The TL;DR is: If you’ve found changes or tweaks that work for you, your team, your company or your workflow, go for it. As long as your app remains flexible and capable of growing, then you’re good to go.
No architecture, old or new, is a silver bullet and you should always focus on good engineering principles first.
If you have any comments or questions, please join the forum discussion below! I hope you’ve enjoyed this tutorial and learning a little bit more about the MVC pattern.