iOS & Swift

Push Notifications by Tutorials

Take a deep dive into rich media notifications, notification actions, grouped notifications and more. By Scott Grosch.

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Who is this for?

This book is for intermediate iOS developers who already know the basics of iOS, and who wish to know everything there is to know about push notifications. It starts with a basic introduction of how notifications work, with later chapters going much deeper into advanced materials.

Covered concepts

  • Remote Notification Payload
  • Remote Notifications
  • Local Notifications
  • Modifying the Payload
  • Custom Actions
  • Custom Interfaces
Get Started with Push Notifications on iOS!

Push notifications may seem simple and straightforward at first since almost everyone is familiar with them; however, knowing how and when to use them in practice can prove challenging.

With advancements in the latest iOS releases bringing advanced features, such as rich media...


Before You Begin

This section tells you a few things you need to know before you get started, such as what you’ll need for hardware and software, where to find the project files for this book, and more.

Section I: Push Notifications by Tutorials

Begin your journey into rich media notifications, notification actions, grouped notifications and more!

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A quick introduction over what you'll be learning this book, and what you'll need to get started.
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Just before diving in, learn the basics of what is a push notification, what's the flow for delivering them, and what are they useful for.
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A push notification is constructed and delivered based on a payload structure. In this chapter you'll dive deep into all of the possibly customizations and options to this payload structure.
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Learn how to prepare your Xcode Project so user app is capable of receiving push notifications, and registering users of your app for receiving notifications.
Learn about Apple Push Notification Servers (APNs) - Apple's service for delivering push notifications. What is a device token, and how do you test sending notifications from your own Mac?
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Delivery of remote push notifications is usually done by a remote server. Learn how to create your very own Vapor-based server to register device tokens and deliver notifications from your own server, as well as some of the optional third-party providers you could use.
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Now that you have a server responsible for delivering your notifications, you'll learn how to expand your app to communicate with that server.
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Learn how to handle common scenarios relating to push notification such as delivering notification in the foreground, handling user interactions, silent notification, and pre-fetching content in the background when your notification is delivered to the user.
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Add Custom Actions to your notification, and learn how you can leverage these to take your notification interaction to the next level.
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Learn how to modify the push notification payload after it actually arrived at the user's device, letting you manipulate your notifications on-device. Also learn how to share data between your app and your extensions, giving you a way to increment the notification badge from the device.
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Step up your notification game! Build your very own custom UI to present to your users whenever they interact with your notifications.
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Combine all of the vast knowledge accumulated in the previous chapters into building your final app - CoolCalendar.
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Sometimes scheduling notifications on the device itself can prove to be the right choice, instead of receiving remote notifications from an external server. Learn how to schedule local notifications on specific times, or on specific locations.