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Advanced Apple Debugging & Reverse Engineering

Fourth Edition · iOS 16, macOS 13.3 · Swift 5.8, Python 3 · Xcode 14

Section I: Beginning LLDB Commands

Section 1: 10 chapters
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Section IV: Custom LLDB Commands

Section 4: 8 chapters
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C. Appendix C: Helpful Code Snippets
Written by Walter Tyree

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The original author of this book, Derek Selander, created a great repo of Python scripts and other utilities. You can explore the current version of Derek’s repo and see all the interesting things he’s working on now.

The materials for this appendix contain a fork of Derek’s LLDB repo. This repo contains some of the utilities mentioned in the book that deserve a home outside their chapters. They’re useful tools that you’re welcome to explore and use as you wish.

As Apple evolves and updates its software, these tools will break, and we’ll work to fix them or find workarounds. Check out the online forums for this book to ask questions or report that something no longer works.

Have a technical question? Want to report a bug? You can ask questions and report bugs to the book authors in our official book forum here.
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