Docker on macOS: Getting Started

In this Docker tutorial, you’ll learn Docker vocabulary and the commands for creating, inspecting and removing containers, networks and data volumes. You’ll learn how to run Docker containers in the background or foreground, and switch between the two; how to publish ports; how to connect a database app and a web app running in separate containers; and how to share directories between containers and your Mac and among containers. By Audrey Tam.

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Where to Go From Here?

This tutorial introduced you to a tiny fraction of the capabilities and possibilities of Docker. It hasn’t touched on creating your own Docker images, composing Docker services, using Docker for CI/CD, clustering and scheduling containers with Docker Swarm, and more. Hopefully this tutorial has given you a solid foundation for exploring the Docker universe. Here are some resources to keep you going:

We hope you enjoyed this tutorial on Docker and, if you have any questions or comments, please join the forum discussion below!


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