iOS Accessibility in SwiftUI Tutorial Part 1: Getting Started

In this article, you’ll fix the accessibility of a SwiftUI master-detail app with various types of images that need more informative labels. By Audrey Tam.

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SwiftUI: Accessibility by Default

Look at the code for this button in ContentView.swift — it’s a modifier for NavigationView:

  Toggle(isOn: $hideVisited, label: { Text("Hide Visited") }))

There’s no explicit accessibility code here, just the type of element — Toggle — and its label. SwiftUI uses these to generate an accessibility element:

  • The accessibility label defaults to the element’s label Hide Visited.
  • The accessibility value defaults to match the element’s value: 0, because the initial value of hideVisited is false.
  • The accessibility trait defaults to Button because this element is a Toggle.
Note: If a control has a label, VoiceOver reads the label and control together, so VoiceOver users always know which control they’re currently using. You can initialize many of the SwiftUI control views with a label parameter, which should be used as the default accessibility label. You’ll see a current exception to this rule in Part 2.

Now advance the highlighting to the navigation view title Artworks:

Highlight navigation view title

Again, SwiftUI automatically creates an accessibility label Artworks, and assigns the trait Header, although there’s no specific accessibility code. There’s only this other NavigationView modifier to provide the default accessibility label:


Emoji Need Context

Next, advance the highlighting to the first list item, which happens to have a reaction emoji:

Highlight first list item

SwiftUI takes its accessibility label from the item’s Text, and identifies this as a Button.

The accessibility inspector also has a VoiceOver simulator — the button in the middle of the Quicklook section — which gives you a reasonable idea of what VoiceOver will say on a device.

VoiceOver simulator button

Click the VoiceOver button to hear how this label sounds:

Glowing Star, Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole, Button

Do you feel the default label — emoji name Glowing Star — is not really helpful to someone who is just listening to the app? In the context of the app, this emoji indicates a Wow reaction. A big part of making your app accessible means ensuring your labels give context and meaning for the elements in your app. You’ll soon fix this problem by replacing the default label with a custom label.

Note: VoiceOver doesn’t know how to pronounce Hawaiian words. This web page gives a quick run-down on pronunciation, using Kalanianaole (ka-lah-nee-ah-nah-oh-lay) as an example. I set up this pronunciation in Settings▸Accessibility▸VoiceOver▸Speech▸Pronunciations, but it still sounds pretty funny.

Performing Actions

Now look at the accessibility inspector’s Action section: Activate, Scroll up and Scroll down. Click the Activate Perform button to simulate tapping the list item button in the simulator:

Activate perform the list item button

Note: If the Inspection Pointer is working, interacting directly with the simulator by tapping the list item will turn off the Inspection Pointer.

Now you’re on the detail view for Prince Jonah, and the accessibility inspector says the back button’s label is Artworks, while iOS shows an arrow, because the navigation bar title is so long:

Detail view back button

That’s probably a feature, not a bug ;].

Unhelpful Image Names

Keep moving the highlighting. The title itself is a Header, then the image has another unhelpful default accessibility label 002_200105: This is the name of the image. You’ll soon fix this with the Image element’s label-based initializer.

Image name is unhelpful accessibility label.

The title below the image also has the unhelpful Glowing Star in its label, and the system image beside the location text has the unhelpful image name — mappin.and.ellipse — as its default accessibility label.

Note: This map pin system image is from Apple’s new SFSymbols collection. To see the full set, download and install the SF Symbols app from Apple.

MapView Accessibility Information?

Click VoiceOver to turn it off, then tap the map pin to open the map view. Click VoiceOver to turn it on: It says Description for element unavailable, and there’s no information in the accessibility inspector!

Map view: no accessibility information?

Now click the Play button to start auto-navigation: VoiceOver reads the points of interest that appear on the map, from top to bottom, leading to trailing edge, before visiting the map pin, and the rest of the elements:

Ala Wai Golf Course, Waikiki Beach, description for element unavailable, Honolulu Zoo, Kapiolani Regional Park, map pin, map pin, Legal, Link, Kuhio Beach, Done, Button.

So there is some accessibility information somewhere, but there’s none available for the most important location on the map. You’ll soon see a way to fix that.

Click VoiceOver to turn it off.

Context Menu Accessibility?

I almost forgot: The list has a context menu for setting an artwork’s reaction emoji. Navigate back to the master list view in the simulator, highlight an item, and click VoiceOver:

Glowing Star, Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole, Button

Nope, not a word about the context menu.

Note: In the next step, if the inspection pointer isn’t working, click the Fast-Forward button to navigate through the context menu.

Long-press the item to show the context menu, then highlight each menu item to see they’re all accessible, and the whole-screen-highlighted UIVisualEffectView has the label Dismiss context menu:

Labels of context menu components

Further investigation is needed for this!

Accessibility Issues Identified

In a brief scan of this app, you’ve seen how SwiftUI automates accessibility for you, but you’ve also found these accessibility issues:

  • Emoji names aren’t helpful information.
  • Artwork image names aren’t helpful information.
  • System image names aren’t helpful information.
  • The map view has no accessibility information for the map pin.
  • How does accessibility work for the context menu?

Context menu, detail view and map view showing accessibility issues

Next, you’ll jump in and fix these, before diving into the details of the Accessibility API.

Swift mascot with iPhone and toolbox

Note: Sometimes the accessibility inspector gets stuck in pointing mode, displaying a green shape on your simulator even when it’s off. Just click the Inspection Pointer button two or three times, until the green shape goes away.

Fixing Accessibility Labels

Fixing the artwork image label is easiest, so you’ll start with that.

Labeling Artwork Images

In DetailView.swift, the first element in the VStack is Image(artwork.imageName). Replace this with:

Image(artwork.imageName, label: Text(artwork.title))

You’re using the Image initializer with a label parameter to provide a meaningful label. VoiceOver will read this instead of the Image name.

Build and run the app, and navigate to a detail view. In the accessibility inspector, highlight the image:

Artwork image label fixed: it's now Artwork title

Now the image’s label is the title of the artwork. Play the VoiceOver to hear:

Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole, Image

That’s right, VoiceOver reads out the Image trait, so you should never include this information in your accessibility label.

I told you that was easy. Next, you’ll fix the system image.