SQLite With Swift Tutorial: Getting Started

In this SQLite with Swift tutorial, you’ll learn to use a SQLite database with Swift projects by creating tables and inserting, updating and deleting rows. By Adam Rush.

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Wrapping the Prepare Call

Since you make prepare calls so often, it makes sense to wrap them like the other methods. As you move forward and add functionality to the SQLiteDatabase class, you’ll use class extensions.

Add the following extension. This will be useful in your future methods to invoke sqlite3_prepare_v2() on SQL statements:

extension SQLiteDatabase {
 func prepareStatement(sql: String) throws -> OpaquePointer? {
  var statement: OpaquePointer?
  guard sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbPointer, sql, -1, &statement, nil) 
      == SQLITE_OK else {
    throw SQLiteError.Prepare(message: errorMessage)
  return statement

Here, you declare that prepareStatement(_:) can throw an error and then use guard to throw that error should sqlite3_prepare_v2() fail. Just like before, you pass the error message from SQLite to the relevant case of your custom enum.

Creating a Contact Struct

Add the following:

struct Contact {
  let id: Int32
  let name: NSString

In these examples, you’ll use the same Contact table as before, so it makes sense to define a proper struct to represent a contact. Next, you’ll learn to actually create the table for a Contact

Wrapping the Table Creation

You’ll knock out the same database tasks as before, but this time you’ll use a “Swift-ier” approach.

To create a table, first, create the following protocol for that purpose in your playground:

protocol SQLTable {
  static var createStatement: String { get }

Now, extend Contact to conform to this new protocol:

extension Contact: SQLTable {
  static var createStatement: String {
    return """
    CREATE TABLE Contact(
      Name CHAR(255)

This code defines createStatement and adds a CREATE TABLE statement on Contact which is useful for keeping the code grouped together.

Now, you’re able to write the following method that accepts types that conform to SQLTable to create a table:

extension SQLiteDatabase {
  func createTable(table: SQLTable.Type) throws {
    // 1
    let createTableStatement = try prepareStatement(sql: table.createStatement)
    // 2
    defer {
    // 3
    guard sqlite3_step(createTableStatement) == SQLITE_DONE else {
      throw SQLiteError.Step(message: errorMessage)
    print("\(table) table created.")

Here’s a breakdown of what’s happening:

  1. prepareStatement() throws, so you must use try. You don’t use a do-try-catch block because this method itself throws, so any error from prepareStatement() simply passes to the caller of createTable().
  2. With the power of defer, you ensure that your statements are always finalized, regardless of how this method exits its scope.
  3. guard lets you write a more expressive check for the SQLite status codes.

Give your new method a try by adding the following:

do {
  try db.createTable(table: Contact.self)
} catch {

Here, you simply attempt to create the Contact and catch an error, if there is one.

Run your playground. The following will appear in your console:

Contact table created.

Fantastic! Isn’t that a much cleaner API to work with?

Wrapping Insertions

Moving along, it’s time to insert a row into the Contact table. Add the following method in your playground:

extension SQLiteDatabase {
  func insertContact(contact: Contact) throws {
    let insertSql = "INSERT INTO Contact (Id, Name) VALUES (?, ?);"
    let insertStatement = try prepareStatement(sql: insertSql)
    defer {
    let name: NSString = contact.name
      sqlite3_bind_int(insertStatement, 1, contact.id) == SQLITE_OK  &&
      sqlite3_bind_text(insertStatement, 2, name.utf8String, -1, nil) 
        == SQLITE_OK 
      else {
        throw SQLiteError.Bind(message: errorMessage)
    guard sqlite3_step(insertStatement) == SQLITE_DONE else {
      throw SQLiteError.Step(message: errorMessage)
    print("Successfully inserted row.")

Now that you’ve got your SQLegs – see what I did there? :] – this code shouldn’t be too surprising. Given a Contact instance, you prepare a statement, bind the values, execute and finalize.

Again, using a potent mix of defer, guard and throw allows you to take advantage of modern Swift language features.

Call this new method:

do {
  try db.insertContact(contact: Contact(id: 1, name: "Ray"))
} catch {

Run your playground. You’ll see the following in your console:

Successfully inserted row.

Wrapping Reads

To wrap up the last section on creating the Swift wrapper, you’ll handle querying the database.

Add the following method, which will query the database:

extension SQLiteDatabase {
  func contact(id: Int32) -> Contact? {
    let querySql = "SELECT * FROM Contact WHERE Id = ?;"
    guard let queryStatement = try? prepareStatement(sql: querySql) else {
      return nil
    defer {
    guard sqlite3_bind_int(queryStatement, 1, id) == SQLITE_OK else {
      return nil
    guard sqlite3_step(queryStatement) == SQLITE_ROW else {
      return nil
    let id = sqlite3_column_int(queryStatement, 0)
    guard let queryResultCol1 = sqlite3_column_text(queryStatement, 1) else {
      print("Query result is nil.")
      return nil
    let name = String(cString: queryResultCol1) as NSString
    return Contact(id: id, name: name)

This method simply takes the ID of a contact and either returns that contact or nil, if there isn’t a contact with that ID. Again, these statements should feel somewhat familiar by now.

Write the code to query the first contact:

if let first = db.contact(id: 1) {
  print("\(first.id) \(first.name)")

Run your playground. You’ll see the following output in the console:

1 Ray

By now, you’ve probably identified some calls you could create in a generic fashion and apply to entirely different tables. The point of the above exercise is to show how you can use Swift to wrap low-level C APIs. This is no simple task for SQLite; there are a ton of intricacies to SQLite that this tutorial didn’t cover.

You might be thinking, “Hasn’t someone already created a wrapper for this?” That’s what the final section is all about.

Introducing SQLite.swift

Stephen Celis has graciously written a fully-featured Swift wrapper for SQLite named SQLite.swift. Check it out if you decide that SQLite fits the bill for data storage in your app.

SQLite.swift provides an expressive way to represent tables. This lets you get started with SQLite without worrying about its underlying details and idiosyncrasies.

You may even consider wrapping SQLite.swift itself to create a high-level API for your app’s domain model.

Check out the README.md for SQLite.swift and decide for yourself if it has a place in your personal code toolbox.