UIKit Fundamentals

Learn the basics of UIKit by creating a simple iPhone app. This course will then show the fundamental concepts of an app project, adding controls and navigating between screens. By Brian Moakley.

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Learning path

This is part of the iOS User Interfaces with UIKit learning path. View path.

Who is this for?

Beginner developers new to iOS. Developers should have some experience with Swift and know their way around Xcode.

Covered concepts

  • User interface controls
  • View Controllers and lifecycle methods
  • Composing interfaces
  • Working with the keyboard
  • Sending Alerts
  • Multiple screens
  • Passing data
  • Creating Segues
  • In-App notifications

Part 1: Learn UIKit Controls

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Check out the UIKit framework, why this framework is critical to understand, and the overall goals of the course.

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Get an introduction to the UIViewController, the life cycle methods and how to create View Controllers in your app.

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Screens are composed of controls. This episode provides an overview of controls that you will be using to create your user interface.

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In this episode, you'll compose your user first interface from all the controls.

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Challenge time! Your first challenge in this course is to add another control to the user interface.

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Interactivity is created with both IBActions and IBOutlets. Here, you'll get an overview on how to set up that interactivity.

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Tapping a text field displays a keyboard, but dismissing it isn't so obvious. Learn how to dismiss it and what it means to be a first responder.

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Images are another way to increase the visual appeal of an app. Find out how to add images to your app.

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There are times when you need to inform the user. You'll learn how to do this with an alert.

Conclusion 2:11
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You've made it through the first part of the course! Get an overview of what you learned, and find out what's up next.

Part 2: Add Another Screen

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This part of the course is all about how to add multiple screens to the app. Let's get started!

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In this episode, you'll learn how to add a new screen to your app.

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Adding multiple screens means using a navigation controller. Here, you'll learn how to do that.

Pass Data 5:57
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Once you have multiple view controllers, you'll need to pass data between them. Find out how to do that in this episode!

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Table view controllers are a great way to list data. This episode will cover all aspects of table controllers.

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Challenge time! Your challenge is to add a bar button item to your navigation bar.

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You've seen how segues push view controllers. Now you'll learn how to make them go backwards.

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Update the navigation bar to change its bar button items based on how the view controller is being used.

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Find out how to respond to in-app notifications by way of the notification center.

Conclusion 1:32
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Congrats on finishing the course! Learn about other courses that will help you expand your UIKit knowledge.

Up next

iOS & Swift
UIKit: Layout
Learn the basics of creating layouts that handle different screen sizes and orientations, using Auto Layou... more



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