Full Text Search in Room Tutorial: Getting Started

In this Android tutorial, you’ll learn how to implement Full Text Search in Room and use advanced FTS operations, such as ranking search results leading to a great search experience which provide relevant results, is fast, work offline and can handle large amounts of data. By Kshitij Chauhan.

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Model Class for matchinfo

Navigate to the Launch.kt file in the db package and add the following code at the end:

data class LaunchWithMatchInfo(
    val launch: Launch,
    @ColumnInfo(name = "matchInfo")
    val matchInfo: ByteArray
) {
  override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
    if (this === other) return true
    if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

    other as LaunchWithMatchInfo

    if (launch != other.launch) return false
    if (!matchInfo.contentEquals(other.matchInfo)) return false

    return true

  override fun hashCode(): Int {
    var result = launch.hashCode()
    result = 31 * result + matchInfo.contentHashCode()
    return result

Here in this code, LaunchWithMatchInfo is a data class to hold the result of an FTS search returning a Launch object along with its matchinfo (represented as a ByteArray). Note that we need to need to override equals and hashcode methods due to the presence of an array property in the data class.

Next, you’ll add a DAO method to perform search using matchinfo.

Using matchinfo in a DAO

Navigate to the LaunchDao.kt file in the db package and add the following code to it:

  SELECT *, matchinfo(launches_fts) as matchInfo
  FROM launches
  JOIN launches_fts ON launches.name = launches_fts.name
  WHERE launches_fts MATCH :query
suspend fun searchWithMatchInfo(query: String): List<LaunchWithMatchInfo>

This query returns a list of Launch objects, along with their matchinfo metadata. This list will be parsed in the SearchViewModel to order results according to their rank.

Sorting by Scores

Navigate to the SearchViewModel.kt file in the search package and add the following code to it (make sure add missing imports using the IDE):

fun searchWithScore(query: Editable?) {
  // 1
  viewModelScope.launch {
    // 2
    if (query.isNullOrBlank()) {
      // 3
      launchDao.all().let { _searchResults.postValue(it) }
    } else {
      // 4
      val sanitizedQuery = sanitizeSearchQuery(query)
      launchDao.searchWithMatchInfo(sanitizedQuery).let { results ->
        // 5
        results.sortedByDescending { result -> calculateScore(result.matchInfo) }
            // 6
            .map { result -> result.launch }
            // 7
            .let { _searchResults.postValue(it) }

Here in this code:

  1. Use the launch coroutine builder to start a coroutine
  2. Check if query is empty or null
  3. If the query is blank or null then query for all the values from the database and update the _searchResults Livedata value
  4. If the query is not empty or null, then sanitize it and search the database using matchinfo.
  5. The matchInfo array of bytes is supplied to a calculateScore function, which parses it and returns a score value. A higher value indicates a better match, so the list is sorted in descending order according to the scores.
  6. The sorted list of LaunchWithMatchInfo is then mapped to a simple list of Launch objects, and used as the search results.
  7. Update the _searchResults Livedata value

It is important to parse the matchinfo data and calculate the score on a background thread, because it is a potentially long-running operation for large datasets.

Note: The implementation of the calculateScore function is outside this tutorial’s scope. It exists only to illustrate that you can use different ranking algorithms according to your needs. You may refer to the example in the original documentation to understand how it works.

Using the Sorted Results

Finally, navigate to the SearchFragment.kt file in the same package and update the setupSearchField method to use the newly added method in the ViewModel. Replace the existing implementation of setupSearchField method with below:

private fun setupSearchField() {
  binding.searchBox.addTextChangedListener { query ->

Build and run the app. You should have a search implementation that ranks results according to their scores!

Find My Launch app screenshot showing search results ranked by their relevance

Bonus: Tests

Writing tests is the best way to increase confidence in your code. Find My Launch sample apps ships with a couple of them to help verify your FTS implementation by testing the app’s ViewModels.

Navigate to the app module’s androidTest source set in Android Studio, where you’ll find two test files: DetailsViewModelTest and SearchViewModelTest.

Directory tree showing the android-test source set

Because both the tests are Instrumentation Tests, they require an emulator or a physical Android device to be connected to your computer. Once you have either of them up and running, select the ViewModel tests run configuration.

Android Studio's run configurations drop down menu

Run, and view the test results. If everything went well, all tests should pass!

Screenshot that shows all the tests that passed

To read more about testing Room databases and understand how these tests were written checkout Testing Android Architecture Components

Where to Go From Here?

You can download the final version of this project using the Download Materials button at the top or bottom of this tutorial.

Congratulations! You learned a lot in this tutorial and can now build an awesome search experience in your own Android apps.

If you are wondering what to learn next, you can checkout tutorial on Database Views with Room for Android, and Room DB: Advanced Data Persistence.

Feel free to share your feedback or findings, and please post your questions in the comments section below or in the forums. I hope that you enjoyed learning about FTS with Room!