
Kotlin Essentials

Program curriculum

Delve into specialized content curated by industry experts, designed to deepen your understanding and propel your skills to the next level.


You should have basic experience with Android Studio and a willingness to challenge your comfort zone. If you are interested in “dipping your toe in the water”, check out our Foundational Tools in Android program.
In this course you will learn the Kotlin programming language from the ground. It is a comprehensive overview of the language as well as an overview of best object-oriented programming practices.
Learning to write code is easy, but learning to write “good” code is a different story entirely. In this course, developers will learn best practices when writing object-oriented code as well as be introduced to design patterns.

Discover what Kodeco learners say

"I've tried many other bootcamps before, but this one was truly fun and made me feel like a part of a big community!"

Misha P.

2023 iOS Accelerator graduate

This program includes:

  • Access to mentors

    Our mentors provide personalized guidance, support, and feedback to help you learn.

  • Homework

    Apply the concepts you've learned in your homework assignments to solidify your understanding and retain key information.

Kotlin Essentials

Invest in your learning today.

Monthly plan

Includes mentorship access for the duration of your subscription.

$249.00 per month
Enroll now

One-time payment

Includes mentorship access for up to 12 months, with the option to extend access.

$3,299.00 $1,499.00
Enroll now

Frequently asked questions

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Checkout our FAQ page.

What happens after I enroll in this program?

After you enroll, you’ll gain immediate access to start the program. Our programs take place asynchronously so that you can work at your own pace and on your own schedule.

What support is available?

You’ll have access to a designated mentor to offer support and feedback asynchronously via direct message in Discord. You’ll also have access to a dedicated Discord channel where you can get questions answered at any time.

What do the homework assignments include?

In most modules, you’ll receive a homework assignment once you’ve studied the content. The assignments consist of quizzes and/or coding practice. After you submit a homework assignment, your mentor will grade and return your homework within three days of receiving it.

Is the monthly plan or the one-time payment option better for me?

If you believe you can progress through the material swiftly, the monthly plan will be a good option for you. On the other hand, if you prefer a stress-free experience without the monthly payment reminders, opting for the one-time payment is ideal because it grants you ample time to complete the program curriculum.

Please note that the monthly plan gives you access to a mentor for the entire duration of your subscription, whereas the one-time payment gives you access to a mentor for 1 year.

What happens if I have to withdraw from the on-demand bootcamp?

We understand that circumstances can change, and if you need to withdraw from the program, your options will vary depending on your billing cycle:

- If you enrolled with a monthly plan, you can cancel your future billing with your membership and you will not be renewed on your next billing date OR you can pause your membership for up to three months, then you can pick up your studies again at that time.

- If you enrolled with a one-time payment, you will be eligible for a full refund within the first 14 days of your enrollment into the program.

*Please note: if you’ve accessed a significant portion of program materials, this might affect your eligibility for a full refund.

Please email for further assistance on the withdrawal process.