We’re trying something new at raywenderlich.com: we’re publishing our Unity tutorials on the Unity Asset Store!
This is a new process for us, and that’s why we’d love to have your help. If you are interested in free voucher codes for our Unity tutorials, please leave a comment below.
10 commenters will be selected at random, and will receive free access to our first tutorial, The Twin Stick Shooter Tutorial. This is an adaption of the first eight chapters in Unity Games by Tutorials. Eventually, the entire book will be released on the asset store.
All we ask is that once you download the asset, please go through the tutorial, send us any feedback, and of course, please leave a honest review in the Unity Asset store. If you loved the tutorial, please let people know. If the tutorial wasn’t to your satisfaction, feel free to let people know as well.
This is an awesome opportunity for you to not only learn Unity, but also to help us grow! To enter, simply leave a comment below. Thanks everyone!