Kubernetes Tutorial for Swift on the Server

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Kubernetes to deploy a Kitura server that’s resilient, with crash recovery and replicas. You’ll start by using the kubectl CLI, then use Helm to combine it all into one command. By David Okun.

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Creating Your RazeKube

You’ve set the stage — now it’s time to create your RazeKube API. First, you’ll install the Kitura CLI!

Installing the Kitura CLI

Note: If you have already done this in a different tutorial, confirm Kitura is installed by entering kitura --version in Terminal. If you see a version number, you can skip to the next section: Running RazeKube.

The easiest way to install the Kitura CLI (command-line interface) is via Homebrew. Follow the instructions to install Homebrew, then enter the following commands, one at a time, to install the Kitura CLI:

brew tap ibm-swift/kitura
brew install kitura

By installing the Kitura CLI, you get the ability to generate starter projects from the command line, but you also get the built-in capability to build and run your app into a Docker container with kitura build and kitura run! This will come in handy later.

Running RazeKube

Now you’ll build and run the starter app, before diving into Kubernetes.

Navigate to your starter project root directory in Terminal. To check, enter the command ls, and ensure you see Package.swift in the resulting output.

Enter swift build to ensure that everything builds OK, then enter swift run. Your output should be similar to the following:

-07-10T15:26:56.591-05:00] [WARNING] [ConfigurationManager.swift:394 load(url:deserializerName:)] Unable to load data from URL /Users/davidokunibm/RayWenderlich/rw-cloud-native/final/RazeKube/config/mappings.json
[Wed Jul 10 15:26:56 2019] com.ibm.diagnostics.healthcenter.loader INFO: Swift Application Metrics
[2019-07-10T15:26:56.642-05:00] [INFO] [Metrics.swift:52 initializeMetrics(router:)] Initialized metrics.
[2019-07-10T15:26:56.648-05:00] [INFO] [HTTPServer.swift:237 listen(_:)] Listening on port 8080

Click Allow if you see this dialogue asking if you want your appto accept incoming network connections:

Allow incoming connections dialog

Now, in a web browser, open localhost:8080 — you should see this home page:

Kitura HomePage up and running on your localhost

Lastly, check to make sure your all-knowing Kube is still … all-knowing: Navigate to localhost:8080/kubed?number=5 in your web browser. You should see the following result:

Showing the result of 5 cubed in the browser

If you see this, good work! Your starter project works as you want it to. Now, you’re going to deliberately sabotage the Kube. Don’t worry — the all-powerful Kube will forgive you and show you the light eventually.

Crashing Your RazeKube

Or, to ensure the xed command opens Xcode 10, enter this command:

Note: You’re going to create a .xcodeproj file for the starter project, so you can open it in Xcode. If you are using Xcode 11 beta, I cannot guarantee that this entire tutorial will work, but you should be able to open the project in Xcode 11 beta by double-clicking RazeKube.xcodeproj.
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer

In Terminal, press Control-C to stop the server, then enter these commands:

swift package generate-xcodeproj
xed .

In Xcode, open Sources/Application/Routes/KubeRoutes.swift. This is a good time to take a look at the sheer power of the Kube by examining the kubeHandler function!

After you catch your breath, add the following code to the end of initializeKubedRoutes(app:):

app.router.get("/uhoh", handler: fatalHandler)

Here, you are declaring that any GET requests made to the /uhoh path should be handled by the function fatalHandler.

To take care of the error message, add the following function at the bottom of this file:

func fatalHandler(request: RouterRequest, response: RouterResponse, 
    next: () -> Void) {

Save your file. Close Xcode: Although you could build and run this in Xcode if you wanted to, for the rest of this tutorial, you’ll be working almost exclusively in Terminal and a web browser!

In Terminal, enter these two commands:

swift build
swift run

Open a web browser, and confirm that localhost:8080 loads your home page. Now for the fun part — navigate to localhost:8080/uhoh in your browser. Yikes! Your Terminal process should freakout and tell you something similar to the following:

Fatal error: file /Users/davidokunibm/RayWenderlich/rw-cloud-native/final/RazeKube/Sources/Application/Routes/KubeRoutes.swift, line 52
[1]    42560 illegal hardware instruction  swift run

And your web browser doesn’t look any better:

Browser not being able to display the UHOH route since application crashed

For all the work that Apple has done to make Swift a safe language that doesn’t crash often, it’s important to remember that crashes still do happen, and as a developer, you have to mitigate them. This is where Kubernetes can help by auto-restarting your app!

Kubernetes and the State Machine

The heart of Kubernetes is the concept of managing state, and how that state is defined. Therefore, it’s OK to think of the core of Kubernetes as one big database — you wouldn’t be wrong!

That database is managed by something called etcd. This is, in-and-of-itself, a tool that’s also backed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Operating Kubernetes is a matter of simply dictating state to etcd through the use of a command line interface called kubectl. You can use .yaml or .json files to dictate state for an app, or you can embed specific instructions inside a command via kubectl. You’re going to do a little bit of both.

Note: Your RazeKube app uses something called Helm charts to manage your app inside a Kubernetes cluster. You’ll learn what this does in a little bit!

Here’s what a YAML file might look like to describe your deployment of RazeKube:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: razekube
    app: razekube
    version: "1.0.0"
- name: razekube-swift-run
  image: razekube-swift-run
  - name: http-server
    containerPort: 8080

Notice the specification for containers towards the bottom — this means that you’re going to have to create a container image for your app first!

Building and Running Your RazeKube Docker Image

In Terminal, make sure that you’re in the root directory of your app. Enter the command kitura build, and go pour yourself a cup of coffee — this might take a few minutes. You should see output like this:

You may receive an error stating “failed to run IBM Cloud Developer Tools”. If you receive this error follow the instructions and run “kitura idt” to install the IBM Cloud Developer Tools. Once finished enter kitura build to continue.
Validating Docker image name
Checking if Docker container razekube-swift-tools is running
Deleting the container named 'razekube-swift-tools' ...
Checking Docker image history to see if image already exists
Creating image razekube-swift-tools based on Dockerfile-tools ...
Image will have user davidokunibm with id 501 added

Executing docker image build --file Dockerfile-tools --tag razekube-swift-tools --rm --pull
--build-arg bx_dev_userid=501 --build-arg bx_dev_user=davidokunibm .

Creating a container named 'razekube-swift-tools' from that image...
Starting the 'razekube-swift-tools' container...
Stopping the 'razekube-swift-tools' container...

The Kitura CLI makes your life easier, while showing you the Docker commands it runs to build this image.

Next, enter the command kitura run — after about 30 seconds, you should see this output:

The run-cmd option was not specified
Stopping the 'razekube-swift-run' container...
The 'razekube-swift-run' container is already stopped
Validating Docker image name
Binding IP and ports for Docker image.
Checking if Docker container razekube-swift-run is running
Deleting the container named 'razekube-swift-run' ...
Checking Docker image history to see if image already exists
Creating image razekube-swift-run based on Dockerfile ...

Executing docker image build --file Dockerfile --tag razekube-swift-run --rm --pull .
Creating a container named 'razekube-swift-run' from that image...
Starting the 'razekube-swift-run' container...
Logs for the razekube-swift-run container:
[2019-07-10T21:06:23.250Z] [WARNING] [ConfigurationManager.swift:394 load(url:deserializerName:)] Unable to load data from URL /swift-project/config/mappings.json
[Wed Jul 10 21:06:23 2019] com.ibm.diagnostics.healthcenter.loader INFO: Swift Application Metrics
[2019-07-10T21:06:23.450Z] [INFO] [Metrics.swift:52 initializeMetrics(router:)] Initialized metrics.
[2019-07-10T21:06:23.456Z] [INFO] [HTTPServer.swift:237 listen(_:)] Listening on port 8080

These logs should look familiar — your API is now running in a Linux container via Docker!