Upcoming Class: iOS Programming 101

An announcement about an upcoming iOS Programming 101 class at the 360iDev iPhone conference. By Ray Wenderlich.

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Upcoming Class: iOS Programming 101

2 mins

One day class introducing iOS programming for beginners!

One day class introducing iOS programming for beginners!

One day class introducing iOS programming for beginners!

This is just a quick announcement to let you all know that I will be giving a one-day crash course called “iOS Programming 101” this Sunday at 360 iDev in Austin, Texas.

Through several hands-on sessions, students will create their own iPhone application from scratch, complete with a table view, detail views, and persistent data – and even port the app to the iPad!

In the process, you’ll have a chance to earn skills, fame, and mad loot!

What We’ll Cover

The course will be covering a lot of the topics we’ve been discussing on this blog, such as:

  • How to choose the right Application template (or build from scratch!)
  • How to make a simple iPhone app with a UIView and the most useful controls
  • How to respond to orientation changes
  • How to use navigation controllers
  • How to use table views – and make them look good!
  • How to save application data (with the right way for the right situation!)
  • How to port your app to the iPad
  • Using UISplitViewController and UIPopoverController
  • And much more!

This course is tailored for beginners to iOS development, or for those who would like a refresher on their foundational knowledge. It will be focusing on beginner UIKit topics only – not game programming or advanced topics.

It’s Not Too Late to Sign Up!

I’d love to see some of you there! It’s not too late to sign up for 360iDev – the topics on the schedule look really interesting and flights to Austin are cheap! :]

Bring your laptops and any iOS devices you may have. Don’t worry if you don’t have a laptop, you can team up with someone there if not (and maybe even learn more that way!)

Thanks so much to John Wilker, Tom Ortega, and the rest of the 360iDev crew for organizing such an amazing conference and giving me the opportunity to speak! :]

Without further ado, here are the slides!

[slideshare id=5650688&doc=ios101-101102204207-phpapp02]